Friday, September 23, 2011

AJW 1/24/1993 Outbreak of War, Zenjo vs LLPW

During the opening ceremony they announce the JWP vs AJW matches for Dreamslam I on 4/2, interesting to note that Kansai vs Hotta got by far the loudest pop from the audiance.

- Chikako Hasegawa & Masami Watanabe vs Rie Tamada & Sachiko Nakamura

Chikako & Tamada we all know by now. Watanabe is the future Chaparrita Asari making tape for the 1st time after having debued in Nov last year. Nakamura is one of the countless footnotes in joshi history who came and went quickly without leaving a mark. I'm 99% sure this isn't the same girl with that name who was around in the late 80's with the same name (who's biggest claim to fame was being Manami Toyota's debut opponent) which would make this match the only footage available of this Nakamura her. She's a pretty tall girl, not 6ft or anything but decent size and in thear with tiny folk like Watanabe & Tamada looks like a giant in comparison. Would be interesting to find out why she never stuck around, based on this match she had a decent enough grasp of the basics and looked ok in the ring so maybe injury or something else was the reason? Dunno, mystery for the ages I guess. Match itself was decent as far as rookie matches go. It's been several years since I last watched this show as it was 1 of the 1st joshi VHS tapes I got way back when. My original impresstion was that this was pretty boring but my taste have changed a lot since then and I found this pretty easy to sit through now. Chikako looked the best and got to pick up the win over Nakamura with a standing back body drop, not even the running kind.

- Tomezo Tsunokake vs Mr. Buddhaman

Like usual I skiped this, Budda won if anyone cares.

- Saemi Numata vs Bat Yoshinaga

Numata attacks early, gets in a few moves. Bat gets her down, starts laying in the kicks and toys with her for a couple mins. Bat makes a mistake and Numata gets in a small mini comeback but Bat cuts that shit off and cracks her jaw with a spin kick to end things. Easy fun, only went 4-5 mins. I love Bat & always liked Numata more then most but so did not need to see them going 10 or 15 so i'm fine with this. Pretty much the perfect match that could have been done between these 2.

- Suzuka Minami vs Yumiko Hotta

Match follows an easy pattern. Short bit of Hotta dominating to start, Suzuka taking over for the next 8-9 mins, Hotta comes back and takes over for a while and then a few mins of nearfalls before ending in a 20 min draw. Suzuka's section was awesome as she goes after Hotta's injured left leg and and puts on a clinic, running through various holds to stretch her out and even gets in a chair shot to the knee or too. Things kinda fall apart after Hotta regains controll, she gets sent to the outside and after a short rest they essentially reset the match and Hotta immeditly begins dishing out kicks with both her good and bad leg, killing off the previous 8 mins of the match. Then she goes on a really unfocused string of offense, at first looking like she wanted to take out Suzuka's arm but then forgeting about that plan to toss in a suplex or more kicks but then going back to the arm before giving up completely. Even with only 20 mins to work with this still falls into a lot of the same trappings many other TL draws do as Hotta is clearly wasting time as late as the 18 min mark trying to work camel clutches and shit. Match picks up for the last stretch and they have a cool back and forth near fall stretch, only wish they'd have started it a little sooner. The good outweighs the bad in this but it's nothing special.

- Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs Terri Power & Kaoru Ito

Debbie the Wise pre match promo "Ito's a hell of a wrestler. never know what to look for from her. We've got our work cut out for us". Really cool moment to start with early on, Sakie & Deb attack first but get sent outside quickly, Terri then forms a catapult with her arms and launces a running Ito up over into a dive onto both outside. Magical moment follows as Terri gets redemption for her botch of all botches a few months ago and hits the slingshot plauncha perfectly this time wiping everyone out. Rest of the match has everyone sticking to their comfort zone, Ito gets beat up for a while, nice double team STF from Sakie & Deb. Terri gets taged in and does...power stuff. Most of it looked fine actually and outside of 1 or 2 small awkard moments this was a really good match for Terri, maybe the best she's ever looked thinking about it. Debbie tries to take out her arm a little later on but Terri rolls out of the arm lock into the Backlund lift in a fun spot. Finishing run is pretty cool too as we some more nifty double team stuff. Ito doing footstomps off Terri's shoulders, Doomsday Bulldog from Sakie & Deb, etc.. Debbie gets the big win with a top rope norther lights superplex on Ito. Real good match.

- Kyoko Inoue vs Takako Inoue

They do some fast paced highspots to early on, lots of arm drags and lucha style stuff, then Kyoko gains controll and goes into her usual array of wear down holds, dominating for a while. A little pedestrian but good stuff. Match goes to another lvl once Takako comes back and goes into submission queen mode, Kyoko makes her fight for every little hold early on which is a nice touch but Tak perseveres and goes to town on her leg. This is a strategy that has always been something Takako is good at, something that she can dominate with, something that gives her a fighting chance. Following her journey in 92 against bigger name opponents she always failed when she deviated from this, always failed when she tried to act tough, always got her ass kicked when she tried to stand toe to toe with an Aja or Bull or Hokuto. Here, the same thing looks to happen but Takako has other plans. Tak abandons the leg work and starts booting Kyoko upside the head, not enough to hurt, more in an insulting cocky way. Kyoko looks at her like "are you kidding me?" and elbows her in the face in retaliation, Tak fires back but it gets her nowhear and Kyoko regains the advantage for a bit. Awesome moment as Kyoko goes for her running back elbow and Tak catches her mid run and seamlessly rolls into a leg bad. Again though, Takako has something she needs to prove and she turns things back into a brawl again and the match goes outside. Takako surprisingly wins this encounter being really agressive and hitting Kyoko with her shoulder drop suplex on the floor. Nice bit of applause for Takako from the crowd in apreciation as if to say "holy shit we didn't exspect that, awesome, fuck her up". Of course, the Kyoko clap clap clap chants start soon enough as well so they're still with her. With a little help from a slow ass counting ref Kyoko milks the 20 count for all it's worth really putting over the pain. After getting back in Tak gets in another shoulder drop suplex, a top rope arm drag and a top rope superplex all for 2 counts. Kyoko counters Tak coming off the ropes with a powerslam to turn the tide and then signals for the Niagra Driver and I have never ever ever seen someone convery the look of desperation, the look of "please god let me end this" like Kyoko is here. Having taken so much damage Kyoko strugles to lift Tak and drops her on the 1st attempt, the 2nd attempt Tak escapes and they battle over a backslide which Kyoko wins. Still fighting out of desperation Kyoko gets in the airplane spin power bomb and Tak kicks out at fucking 1 with her near last bit of energy. The ref begins a standing 10 count which allows Kyoko to regain her composure and now starts looking less desperate and more like "come on bitch, i'll show you". Tak uses her very very last bit of energy to make it up by 9 and is met with a simple but stiff slap from Kyoko to knock her out and get pined to end things. Post match barely celebrates and doesn't check on her opponent either, she just walks away stoicly, she won but only just barely. Takako died a warrior's death and proved her point, proved she can hang with the big dogs afterall, proved she won't be a pushover any longer. I remember 1st watching this years ago and thinking it was a real good match but nothing special, re-watching it now, knowing more of the backstory I apreciated it a lot more. The finishing sequence is up thear with Aja/Bull as one of my fave endings to a match ever and overall this is an awesome match, great blend of story & pure workrate action. Def Takako's best ever at this stage.

- Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong & Bull Nakano

Follows your basic tag formula. Toyota & then Yamada both have exstended sections getting beat down and Bull & Aja are quite fired up on this night. Bull especially but Aja too are having a grand old time torturing their poor opponents. Lots of Bull lariating folk in the jaw, crushing ppl with splashes, Aja smashng skulls in, punting ppl in the back, fun double teams, general stiffness and stretching goodness. Bull even bust out the running cross body ala Aja early on for kicks. In between Toyota & Yamada's butt whopins Yamada does manage to take down Bull for a while and her & Toyota get a little bit of revenge in but it doesn't last long as they piss off Bull and she takes back over. Later in the match once they make their comeback it's again Bull who's on the recieving end of a bigger batch of offense. A lot of speed & technique based stuff leads to their success and Aja accidently waffling Bull with a uraken helps too. Fun dive sequence sees Toyota wiping out on her quebrada attempt hitting Yamada instead and then Aja crashing and buring on a freakin diving cross body to the floor which takes out Bull, Kyoko & Bat. Toyota & Yamada get in a bunch of double teams on Bull but Aja recovers enough to save and they regain controll. Toyota eats a Bull leg drop but Yamada saves at the last second so Bull decides she's done playing around and goes straight to the moonsault to kill Toyota off and win it. Interesting to see they're continuing the Toyota as weak link story. Dug how they went out of their way to protect Aja as at no point was she allowed to look weak, she just kicked a lot of ass and looked like a monster with Bull being the one who took the majority of the punishment for their team with Aja having to come to her rescue a few times. Bull for her part even though she was the more vulnerable one, she's always been smart about being able to maintain her aura of toughness, making sure you know even when she's down she's not out. Toyota & Yamada even though they were fighting from underneath most of the match never came across like they didn't have a chance and this was far from a squash. Great great match all around.

- Akira Hokuto, Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs Harley Saito, Eagle Sawai & Miki Handa

Not as much of a pure brawl as I remembered it being. There's a few moments whear things get out of control and all 6 end up fighting all over. People get thrown into chairs, bodies fly all over, the usual. Shimoda gets bodyslamed on the anounce table by Harley right in front of Kandori & Rumi Kazama who were sitting near by, looked nasty too as Shimoda only hit the edge. Later on Shimoda piledrives Handa on the same table which doesn't break and didn't look fun. Aside from that the match mostly took place in the ring but still reamined nothing less then a total hate filled war. From moment 1 there's death stares all around before the bell even rings, no one's taking their eyes off each other with things ready to explode at any second. Handa slaps Shimoda during the introductions and gets held back by Hokuto from going nuts on her, instead she sends Mita in after Eagle to start and it's all go from thear. You'll rarely see matches so intense & emotional. With JWP & FMW the rivalry was always a tad more respect & pride based, with LLPW things just felt more personal. Every little thing they do in this match from a simple arm bar or a roll up to a suplex or kick has something extra behind it, every change in momentum feels important and every moment feels like a struggle. You get the sense that both teams came with the attitude of "losing is not an option". Too many highlights to single anything out, just great action from start to finish with an insane K-Hall crowd living & dying with every move & cheering on the hometown Zenjo team. Match comes down to everyone in the ring going at it, LCO gain the advantage long enough for Mima & Mita to lift up Handa for a doomsday missile dropkick from Hokuto, Shimoda goes for the pin but it gets broken up, Eagle & Harley quickly get dumped outside again and Hokuto swoops in with a quick NLB on Handa that allows Shimoda to pin her for the 3 count. In a year of amazing matches this isn't quite MOTYC but it's up thear among the best matches of the year. Post match is almost as awesome as the match itself. Harley gets on the mic 1st to talk shit and provoke things, Hokuto tells her to shut up and then turns her attention to Kandori. Kandori runs in sporting an awesome white sweater and what appear to be plaid zubaz or sweat pants which I didn't know they made. Kandori throws her freakin shoe at Hokuto and after doing some yelling of her own a big pull apart brawl breaks out. As things settle down, Suzuka Minami gets on the mic says she wants in on this and more challenges are laid down. In the back Hokuto not happy to have just won slaps the ever loving hell out of her 2 deciples and screams at them for not doing better in the match, laying down the law and telling them that this war is just getting started. Show then ends with 1 more confrontation between Kandori backed up by Harley & Hokuto backed up by Suzuka as they meet in the locker room and build up their singles match some more with about a million press & photographers looking on.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Mish Mash of random thougts - Zero-1, Battlarts & WWE

Zero-1 10/11/2010

- (International Jr. Title) Ikuto Hidaka (c) vs Masamune

Really dug the opening matwork section but the rest of this felt flat like it was missing that extra spark of energy to take it to the next level. Darkly lit, small building with a half asleep crowd didn't help, whole thing just felt more like a slightly above average house show match then a televised championship title bout.

- Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Ohtani vs Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Kintaro Kanemura

Kanemura & Tanaka are among my 10 most favorite wrestlers ever, Kuroda's pretty up thear too and i've alwasys loved Ohtani but everyone in this is well past their prime except Tanaka so I didn't have high hopes. At best I fig this would be a fun trip down memory lane, get in, hit a few sig spots and call it a wrap but they worked pretty hard with Kuroda especially steping things up. Final few mins with him vs Ohtani were pretty nice as they've always worked well together. Fun match that exceded my exspectations.



Bob Backlund vs Daisuke Ikeda

Bob Backlund, Japan, Battlarts, Insane over the top theatrics, 85% whackiness, Backlund screaming, yelling, dancing, doing Terry Funk style animated crazy man bumping & goofball selling, wild swinging into thin air, falling over on fans, Backlund slaps the hell out of Ikeda, Ikeda gives Backlund the stiffest headbutt he's likely ever taken in his life, sold out K-hall crowd going apeshit, jumping up & down and loving every second, EXACTLY how you figure this would be on paper. Yup....

(B-CUP '98 Tournament R1) Hisakatsu Oya vs Greg Valentine

Was curious to see how much Valentine would try and adapt his style to Battlarts and the answer is that, well, he didn't. He pretty much just wrestled the same here as he would anywhear else in the world. No knock however as Valentine is still pretty dang awesome even this late in his career and this match is all about him showing off. Big batches of stiff chops, forearms & elbows, toss in a figure 4 and you're good to go. The mainstream US sceen had passed him by at this stage but he looked like he'd have fit right in working any number of Japan promotions at the time. Also gotta say, as a long time FMW super fan it was weird as hell watching Oya play underdog whiping boy as every other match of his I can think of that i've seen he either wrestles on the same level as his opponent or is a dominating heel/craft vetran. Here he just gets the crap kicked out of him and then wins with a surprise roll up. He didn't stink at the role but not exactly his forte etither. Anyways still a really fun sub 10 min match.

(B-CUP '98 Tournament R1) Yuki Ishikawa vs Mitsuhiro Matsunaga

Good vs Evil, Them vs Us, 2 mother fuckers that don't like each other about to fight. Ishikawa, Battlarts Ace, representitive of clean pure skill based sportsman like grappling & striking contest. Matsunaga, Mr. Danger, dastardly invader, representitive of anything goes, weapon wielding hardcore matches. Matsunaga waste no time getting things started as he whips out a fuckin sword he smugled into the ring and goes after Ishikawa. He then uses every other dirty trick he can think of, he stabs him with a fork, he uses chairs, he chokes, he stomps, he bites him with his vampire fangs, just for the hell of it he goes back to his martial arts roots and tosses in a few karate kicks and a suplex too. Ishikawa fights back here and thear but keeps getting cut off and gets bloodied up. He does kind of wussy blade job on his head actually but all is forgiven when a few mins later he goes to the complete other end of the spectrum of balls out manliness and gets his arm legit carved up by Matsunaga's fork and starts driping blood all over. Finally he's able to catch Matsunaga with something and make his comeback to the delight of the crowd, and since this match is about pride as much as anything he never results to using Matsunaga's own weaposn against him. Instead he proves his style is better and finishes him with holds & suplexes, a quick sleeper puts Matsunaga out and Ishikawa mounts him and rains down punches as the ref calls for the bell and gives him the KO victory. Pro Wrestling can't get any more Pro Wrestling then this match here. Great stuff.


Yuki Ishikawa & Bob Backlund vs Alexander Otsuka & Hisakatsu Oya

You can really tell the Bat Bat guys are just totally marking out to be in thear with Backlund, loving it just as much as the fans. Anyways, this was much better then the Ikeda singles match wth a more impressive Backlund performance as you still get all the crazy old man fun but also get more "hey don't forget i'm still a really great wrestler who'll rip your freakin arm off" stuff to go along with it. Lot of diffrent things going on in this match, some comedy, some shoot style, some old school Muga goodness, someone busting out a suicide dive. Really impressed by how well they blended it all together. They aren't doing 1 long stretch of a certain style and then moving on, they pretty rapidly switch from one mode to another but it all feels totally natural and seamless with everyone on the same page. Good stuff

Also, i've decided Bob Backlund vs Johnny Saint is my new dream match :)
WWE Survivor Series 11/18/2007

2007 doesn't feel THAT long ago but it's coming up on 4 years now. Weirded me out to see how much turn over in talent there's been since this show, of the 40-50 people including anouncers and stuff that appeared on this show only maybe 1/4 are still around today and that's including guys like HHH & Taker who aren't around that much. Random fact, in the time since this show's happened HHH has only held the title 2 times, hard to believe. Only matches on this entire show that really lived up to my exspectations was the 10 woman tag & Hornswaggle vs Khali. Diva tag wasn't great, only went 5 mins, just enough for everyone to get in, do a tiny bit and then get out quickly, but it was enjoyable enough popcorn action + Mickie James kissed Melina for the pin, can't complain about that. The midget vs the giant only went 3 mins and had Khali smackig the hell out of him with a stiff as slap to the head which made me laugh. Hell in a Cell with Undertaker vs Batista I liked a lot too, best match on the show easily but judged against other Cell matches it felt really middle of the pack. Punk/Miz/Morrison was OK, but nothing memorable at all. Tag title match with Murdoch/Cade vs Rhodes/Holly was just plain fucking awful and felt like it draged forever. 9 man Survivor Series match I enjoyed but felt like it should have been better, just a nice solid match with a few really good moments mixed in. No one really looked bad in the match but the best guys in the by far were Finlay, Rey, Big Daddy V & HHH. The exstended HHH/Jeff vs Umaga/Finlay portion was the best part but a little too little too late to save the whole thing. Orton vs HBK stunk, i've been watching a lot of World of Sport the past few days so going from seeing Jim Breaks & Johnny Saint & Zoltan Bostchick rip things up on the mat to Shawn Michaels & Orton busting out a 20 pound bag of nothin hapening chinlocks is quite painful and I was suprememly bored by about 75% of this match. The match being built around the lame ass Orton can lose the title by DQ (hmmmmm, sounds familiar but I don't know why) vs HBK can't use the Superkick (yawn) stip didn't help. Also, post match there's quite the moment whear Shawn is selling the horrible beating he's taken during the match, crawling on his hands and knees desperatly reaching towards the fans to help pull him up, instead the fans just grab his hand and happily mug to the camera making the stupidest faces you could possibly imagine, HBK and his pain and suffering 3 inches from his face be damned. Whole show really felt like a glorified Smackdown.

WWE Superstars 8/26/2010

-Goldust vs William Regal

Didn't get nearly as much out of this as some others did. A fairly good 5 minute tv match but that's all it is, nothing to really memorable or standout.

- Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer vs The Dudebusters

Fairly bland match, first time seeing the Dudebusters that I can remember, wasn't that impressed outside of one of them hitting a pretty sweet dropkick from the top. First time seeing Vance Archer since his TNA days, he's a guy I always liked and thought got unfairly labled as a really shitty wrestler by a lot of people. He's not the greatest ever or anything but he has his moments and he looked fine here. I'm surprised the WWE never did much with him as there's far worse guys they keep around.

- Chris Masters vs Drew McIntyre

Having not seen any of his work since his crappy first run a few years back this got recomended to me as a match I should check out to see how much Chris Masters had improved. As an overall match I didn't think it was that great, just a good solid bout. Drew, who i've only seen a few times previously didn't look that great here, so that's what took it down for me. He was in controll for most of the match but I really couldn't get into much of his offense. Masters himself did look really awesome however and did a great job selling the leg, it's just that it came across like a 1 man show to me. I've heard they've had other good matches so this was enough to make me want to check out those and some other Masters matches too. Also, never noticed it before but McIntrye looks exactly like Brian Kendrick only taller and sounds exactly like him too except with an accent, weird.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

AJW TV 1/4/1993

Starts out with some footage of AJW's 1992 year end party & awards ceremony. Pretty packed house with a lot of people from other companies showing up, the highlight being Atsushi Onita wandering around and posing with babies. Yoshida, Hotta, Hokuto & Bull all win various lesser singles awards. Toyota & Yamada win tag team of the year and for the big 2 awards, Toyota/Yamada vs OZ/Kansai won MOTY and Aja won MVP.

- (All Pacific Title) Akira Hokuto (c) vs Debbie Malenko

Debbie offers a handshake to Hokuto, playing all nice then imediatly jumps her once her back was turned. Surprisingly Hokuto does not murder her for this. Deb goes for the chicken wing but Hokuto escapes, few moments later she locks in a really tight dragon sleeper which Hokuto does a sweet escape from by running up the ropes and essentially hitting a sliced bread #2 and landing in a dragon sleeper of her own. Action gets cliped ahead as they start running through the bigger moves, both hit a couple of cool dives, Debbie gets in a nice suicide dive and Hokuto gaining revenge with a diving cross body. Understatement here but Debbie's quite good at hitting submissions and working over a body part and Hokuto's not too shabby at selling so unsurprisingly things get kicked up a notch once they start building the match around those two factors and Deb starts destroying Hokuto's arm. Crazy Fujiwara armbar as she just cranks the hell out of it among other things. Sadly just as that was getting going things end out of nowhear when Hokuto grabs a weird looking suplex whear she chicken wings Debbie's arm and then grabs both her legs with her other arm and just kinda drops her awkwardly for the pin. So should just stick to the NLB :) Match went around 14 mins and about half aired. Up until the screwy ending this was a darn good match though. Rare chance to see Debbie in a singles match, especially with one of the top stars as she didn't have a lot that made tape and she more then held her own in this.

- (IWA Title) Manami Toyota (c) vs Sakie Hasegawa

Things start off a bit sloppy as they trade a few moves but aren't on quite the same page, Sakie tries to slow things down but Toyota's having none of that. Sakie eventually gains controll and starts laying in some stiff kicks and it's here you can first see that Toyota's not really up for this match as it turns into a Sakie showcase for a bit. Sakie gets in a big series of suplexes, 4 top rope splashes from each corner and a lot of other stuff, really getting to shine but Toyota doesn't do an overly great job of putting it over. She fights back a little but it's half hearted and she mostly just kinda lays thear and takes it. Toyota finally wakes up a bit once it's time for her to spaz out and make the comeback. She wipes out totally on the moonsault to the outside attempt, barely grazing Sakie who was out of position just kind of grazing arm on the way down and mostly hitting floor but she soldiers on. They do a few more mins of highspots after that and it ends after Toyota half kills Sakie when she catches her climping up and just whips her down full forge with a nasty looking razor's edge power bomb which gets a big "oh shit" reaction from the crowd and a 2 count for Toyota. She follows it up with the JOCS to win. Weird match, Sakie looked real good here but she can't work for two this was an off night for Toyota. Don't get me wrong, a slopy, lazy Toyota is still better then a ton of other people out thear so I wouldn't call this a bad match but certainly disapointing and not as good as you'd hope on paper. Match goes 24, 11 aired.

Wacky Japanese Commercial report as there's a ton of adds for UFO tv specials on this episode.

- Toshiyo Yamada & Kyoko Inoue vs Aja Kong & Bull Nakano

Quite the awesome custom Jean Jacket Kyoko is sporting here. Anyways, most of this match is all about the mega monsters Aja & Bull dominating things. Yamada tries to get something going and gets a little bit of a run on Bull with a flurry of kicks but it's quickly shut down. Leads to a brawling section outside as Aja grabs her and tosses her all over the building which is always fun. Back in the Yamada/Kyoko team finally start making some progress and get in a lot of big moves including a flip powerbomb from Inoue on Aja but again their run eventually gets shut down leading to much trouble for Kyoko. Bull drops the leg but it's broken up before 3, Yamada saves her from a Bull moonsault attempt, Kyoko still can't come back and we get a long beat down section on her. Aja dumps her on her head with a huge german after cutting off the tag atempt. Yamada repeatedly in to make the save until Bull gets sick of her medling and takes her out, and Aja & Bull hit stereo guiloteen leg drops to crush both girls and end things. Real fun match, they didn't go all out or anything but put in enough effort to easily send the fans home happy. 9-10 mins of 23 aired.

Undercard highlights at the end of the show

Ito over Saemi "Numatchi" Numata in 11
Suzuka & Power over LCO in 11:30
Takako & Hotta over Bat & Watanabe in 12

Would have really liked to see that last one since Bat/Hotta was alway a good pairing.

Nothing essential on this show but it's a nice way to start the year off.