Sunday, June 12, 2011

AJW 9/15/1992 - Bull Nakano 10 year anniversary show

After the usual opening show ceremonies we get a special in ring celebration for Bull's anniversary. Notable highlights include the anouncer reading letters of congrats from Madusa, Ultimo Dragon, Terri Power & Harley Saito. Flower presentation from Suzuka Minami & Kyoko Inoue and a speach by Kyoko as well.

- (AJW Jr. Title) Rie Tamada (c) vs Kumiko Maekawa

Tamada won the title from Torisu in an untelevised match on the 8/10 show and they waste no time giving her her 1st defense. Match was full of really basic but well done stuff. On the short side and no real standout moments but I enjoyed this for what it was. Maekawa dominated a lot of the match and gets the shoot pin in 4 mins after body slam to win the title. Hugs of RESPECT all around post match :) Maekawa is all teary eyed in celebration.


- (Midget Match) Little Frankie vs Tomezo Tsunokake

1st time seeing the midgets in over a year. Skiped watching this match though. Life is short and lord knows i've seen enough of these little fucks allready over the years to 1) know every move they're gonna do and 2) know that none of it entertains me. Did pause long enough to notice Little Frankie is missing a whole row of teeth which I somehow never noticed before and that Tsunokake the time travler is rocking a bizare shirt that says something about California, Cher & 1998, here in 1992.

- Estuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs Miori Kamiya & Saemi Numata

Pretty fun stuff as they work your standard AJW weak link formula match. Kind of similar to the Aja/Sakie vs Toyota/Yamada tag from the previous show. Not as good as that match was of course but I still enjoyed it. This time we get a diffrent ending too as LCO pick up the win with a doomsday device on Kamiya.

- Yumiko Hotta & Cynthia Moreno vs Debbie Malenko & Takako Inoue

Heh, pre match promo Debbie wonders if they'll have to contend with Hotta's mad new lucha skills given that she returned recently from Mexico. Early segment between Hotta & Takako proves Debbie had nothing to worry about as it's same old Hotta we all know. Takako holds her own for a bit before it ends badly with her taking a punt to the jaw. Debbie & Cynthis have their go of it and do some cool stuff including a swank reverse rolling Rita Romero special from Deb. Her & Takako get a short control segment working over Cynthia until Hotta the conquering hero runs in to clean house. Hotta & Takako have another good section going at it as Tak's in tough girl mode standing up to her here. Ends badly though as Hotta comes out on the winning side. In a repeat from the last show, Hotta again almost kills someone trying to do a straight jacket german suplex off the top rope. Being that Takako isn't nearly as heavy as Bull you'd think Hotta would be able to lift her more instead of droping straight down but nope. One of those moments whear you just shake your head wondering WTF they were thinking. Crappy ending to an otherwise decent match.

We then get a short speach from Manami Toyota who hobbles out on cruches having injured her foot, not sure how. Funny moment as she almost trips getting into the ring. Funnier moment as she almost falls on her ass again trying to hop off the freakin apron on 1 foot as she goes to leave. Her music played the entire time during her whole speach too. Weird.

- Sakie Hasegawa & Kaoru Ito vs Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe

Crazy start to the match as they go brawling into the stands early on. Ito hits a nutty foot stomp off the K-hall stage and we get a big dive train sequence including Bat with the bad ass suicide dive plancha. Settles down into your basid see saw tag match afterthat for a while. Bat with some wacky spin kicks to the small of Sakie's back in an odd moment. After taking a few more kicks Bat goes for the pin and Sakie sorta forgets to kick out making for another odd moment, oops. Match continues after that with a long beat down section on Sakie and things start to meander at this point. Eventally Sakie just starts fighting back and doesn't even bother to tag, going on a long stretch of offense herself. Ito eventually gets to come back in and we get a lot more back & forth stuff as I start thinking to myself that "boy this match is long". They don't really change gear either, just sort of working the same mildly fast pace for much of this. Eventually the bell rings indicating a time limit draw and suddenly it all makes sense. 20 something mins of the 30 aired. Love all 4 of the girls involved in this, if all they had was 20 i'm sure this would have ruled. Hell, if they had 30 but were able to do a clean finish i'm sure this still would have been quite good. But yeah, a 30 min DRAW isn't going to uhhhh be met with much success. I'm being a little hard though I feel as this didn't suck either and it had it's share of good moments. Many a better wrestler then this has been killed by the dreaded curse of the TLD :)

- Akira Hokuto vs Suzuka Minami

1st big singles match for Suzuka in a while and she's amped up for it jumping Hokuto before the bell, letting her know what's up. Quite the diverging paths these 2 have taken since their last meeting. Hokuto takes over for a bit an then the match becomes a battle of who can wear each other down more. Things pick up as they take the fight back outside with both hitting suicide dives on each other. Suzuka also gets in a tombstone on the floor which didn't look fun. Big run of stuff from Suzuka as she gets in a bunch of suplexes and powerbombs. She hits the big senton but can't get the win, goes for a 2nd and eats knee. Hokuto can't take advantage though as Suzuka still remains in controll and gets in a few more big moves. Hokuto finally starts countering her shit and seemingly as if to say "OK, enough fucking around" Hokuto drops Suzuka with a weirdly done backdrop suplex followed by the NLB for the easy win. Suzuka plays sore loser but Hokuto just walks away unphased having proven her point. This was good though really it felt more like Hokuto wrestling down to Suzuka's level rather then Suzuka stepping up to hers.

Long sit down int with Bull going over some of the highlights of her career

- (2 out of 3 Falls) Bull Nakano, Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue vs Toshiyo Yamada, Yumiko Hotta & Mariko Yoshida

Zany hijinx to start this off. Everyone chases Kyoko until they she hides behind Bull and no one wants a parth of that. Hotta steps up and gets doinked by Miss Nakano, Yoshida fairs even worse and gets dinked. Aja & Bull do then bust out the freakin leap frog onto your opponent hanging off the ropes spot and uhhhh...yeah, bad times for Yoshida. Goku Jack beat up Yoshida a while longer until she's able to break out the monkey flip on Bull to escape her torture. Yamada has a go of it and continues the fine tradition of getting her team getting their butt kicked. Hotta finally gets to come in and play wreckin ball but that doesn't last long. Yoshida & Yamada back to playing the game of who can get crushed the bestest. All 3 try and triple drop kick on Bull and she just shrugs it off, double suplex attempt not so much as Yamada breaks out the surpise roll up win over Bull to take the 1st fall. Short 2nd fall as Aja comes in and smashes all in her path. They grab Yoshida for some triple team action and Kyoko ends it with the flying back elbow. 3rd fall sees everyone bouning all over as they go fighting around the arena. Aja goes bowling for camera men using Yoshida as the ball. She gets a full strike and everything. Back inside long stretch of near falls, awesome mini segment between Yoshida & Kyoko. ending comes when Aja hits a big splash on Hotta followed by Bull droping the leg. Yamada saves...barely, only prolonging the agony. One more leg drop from Bull and it's over. Happy ending for the special girl on her special night. Hokuto comes out at the end to give her more flowers as they gear up to kick some FMW butt soon. Really good match as everyone was on for this one.

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