Friday, February 11, 2011

AJW 3/20/1992

- Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito vs Etsuko Mita & Shiho Nakamigawa
Majority of this match is Jungle Jack beating up little Shiho in your run of the mill young girl stretching sorta way. Late in the match Mita & Kamiya have a fun little section but for the most part Mita is a non factor in this. Ito goes all spazzy for the finish and in another cool moment but by and large this was a basic forgetable match. Most interesting part about it was Kamiya's spiffy new shinny ass space suit.

- (Vacant AJW Jr. Title) Akemi Torisu vs Yuki Lee
Ah, god bless Torisu, she was such a lovable clutz of a wrestler. Anyways, this goes to a 20 fucking minute draw which the editors clip down to about 3 minutes of footage on a show whear nothing else was clipped. I shudder to think how bad this must have been in full. What was shown highlighed Yuki in controll 90% of the time and she's awarded the title on points or some shit like that.

- Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe vs Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami
Kind of hit me watching this that AJW's tag division was way more stacked around this time then I remember. They probably had a good 7-8 reg teams + a bunch of random make shift temp ones. Anyways, this is essentially a much better version of the match they did in the opener. Hotta & Suzuka largely beat the snot out of Watanabe, giving her a slight bloody nose only for big sister Bat Bat to come in and play wrecking ball later on. And damn, K-Hall loves the hell out of them some Bat Yoshinaga, cheering her on as she stands up to big bully Hotta, throwing some deadly kicks and still standing after Yumiko's. Watanabe gets to come back for a big flurry of offense too but falls short in the end as Suzuka murders her with a powerbomb. Good stuff.

- Akira Hokuto vs Takako Inoue
Watanabe & Bat stay ringside and are working as Hokuto's seconds. Always found the whole Hokuto/Bull dynamic interesting around this time as I don't think Hokuto was ever a member of Bull's Gang or anything but they were still all best buddy buddy for a bit. Match is pretty disapointing. I've rarely gotten to see any matches whear these 2 interact,2 or 3 scattered tags and that's it, never seen a singles and on paper these 2 should work really well together. Instead of a competitive match though, Akira treats her like a joke and largely squashes her in 6 minutes complete with 1 foot pin after the NLB. Not that Hokuto squashes aren't always huge fun but yeah, was hoping for more from this. In a cool moment I didn't know took place on this show, the crowd is all YAY VIOLENCE post match and give Hokuto a big ovation, she then gets on the mic and invites Mita in the ring to pledge her alliegance which leads to the birth of LCO.

- (AJW Tag Titles) Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa (c) vs Mariko Yoshida & Mima Shimoda
Weird match. It's heavily played up that Yoshida & Shimoda had been touring Mexico and thus they're all eager to show off their new lucha skills here. Yoshida & Debbie work the opening section and it's a true thing of beauty. All kind of down hill from thear though as this turns into a tale of 2 matches, any time Yoshida but more so Shimoda try and get fancy or creative or whatever and do some kind of overly complicated lucha stuff it goes horrible. Blown spots & awkward moments galore with nothing to cover or make up for it. They even rope Debbie into trying some weird leaping dive late in the match that ends with her just saying fuck this and hoping off the ropes without leaping. The other half of the match is great though, when these 4 just work their regular styles and keep it basic this is a damn good match. Mima & Debbie have some fun sequences in the latter half of the match workign the mat, Sakie & Yoshida work well too. Around the 24-25 min mark Sakie gets the pin reversing a rollup on Yoshida.

- Kyoko Inoue vs Bull Nakano
Kyoko attacks fast, Bull hits her with 1 lariet to shut that shit down and may have 1/2 killed her. Kyoko recovers only to get smashed down again and sent back outside. Bull patiently waits knowing that when she returns she will once agian maul miss Inoue which she procedes to do most viciously for the next 6-7 mins. Kyoko finally catches a lucky break after grabbing Bull's leg and goes into a stretch of working diffrent submission holds, mainly over said leg. Strategy doesn't pay off so well as Bull turns the tables and resumes stretching Kyoko all to hell including the most painful abdominal stretch i've ever seen. Like i'm not exactly sure how she was able to bend her that way. For the rest of the match things pretty much follow that pattern. Bull dominating things only for Kyoko to fight back breifly, usually after captilizing on a missed move by Bull but repeatedly get cut off before she can build any serious momentum. Kind of neat in a way as Bull's work eventually pays off for the finish as Kyoko ends up so beaten up from all the punishment that when she gets put in 1 last submission whear Bull stretches Kyoko's leg over her head like a weird reversed boston crab, Kyoko has no choice but to tap pretty quickly. Definatly not their best match but i've seen them have worse too.

- (3WA vs UWA Tag Titles - 2 out of 3 Falls) Aja Kong & Bison Kimura (3WA) vs Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada (UWA)
Funny moment as Aja makes fun of Toyota & Yamada's pink UWA belts in the pre match promo. 1st Fall follows your basic tag pattern, Yamada & Toyota in controll to start but get cut off by JJ. Long beat down on Yamada then hot tag Toyota who comes in and does a mini controll segment on Bison before kicking things up and finally pinning her with the JOCS. Nothing major stands out, just good solid work. 2nd Fall is awesome stuff as it's all mega pissed off Aja & Bison going for revenge and mega pissed off Aja & Bison is always fun. They turn it into a wild chair swinging, table throwing brawl and continue to dominate the whole way through. Toyota kicks out of a few things and manages to tag in Yamada but she fares no better and gets smashed as well for her efforts. Super Bomb off the top from Aja finishes her off. 3rd Fall is a longer, much better version of the 1st with JJ being more brutal in their continued beat down and Toyota (who now has a bandaged arm) & Yamada trying even more desperatly to fight back. Great near fall stretch as they isolate Aja and throw every suplex, dive, kick and double team they can think of at her but she keeps kicking out or being saved by Bison. They toss in the kitchen sink too and still can't win so they dig deep and result to attempted murder to finish her off. They put Aja up on the top rope and give her a double team back suplex, only instead of guiding her to land on her back they over rotate so she flips entirely over and lands vertically on top of her head like she was taking a pile the top rope and fuck, if that can't get the win nothing would have but Yamada covers and we've got new tag champs. Mega celebration time, crowd goes insane, Yamada looks like this is the happiest day of her life. Aja wakes up from her coma a few minutes later and goes batshit on all of them, she screams on the mic, grabs the 1 of the tag belts, attempts to smash it apart on the ring anouncers table then goes into the crowd, rips a piece off and tosses it down. Continues going on a rampage through out the building, tossing chairs and sending fans fleeing while Bison just kind of calmly follows suit all depressed over the loss. Aja gets back in and tries to take out Yamada & Toyota with a chair 1 last time but she's finally drug away by like 7 or 8 people still kicking & screaming. Great match.

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