Odd moment to start this off as they do a highlight package of previous Tag League tournaments and only show the last 3 winners even though it's been going on for 6. Debbie & Hasegawa pledge allegiance to win during the opening ceremony.
- (3WA Midget Title - Mr Buddahman Ref) Little Frankie (c) vs Tomezo Tsunokake
Only interesting thing about this is that we found out Lil Frankie has to do his promos standing on a chair and Mr. Buddahman is the ref and they have a midget commisioner apparently named Dynamite King to precide over the festivities. Aside from that FF material as usual. Frankie retained if you care. At the end of the tape we learn the name of the midget commisioner (his "official title") is Yoshimi Yasuda. Moving on...
- Mima Shimoda & Takako Inoue vs Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito
Jungle Jack vs The Sexy Pair. Early portion is all about the leg work on Ito with Tak going to town with the sub work. Kamiya tags in and does a funny bit heeling it up whear and just jams her thumbs in Takako's eyes for like 30 seconds. Takako takes a beating for a while and we get another section of Ito getting worked over before they go into near fall mode. Takako shines pretty nicely during this part, Mima does her usual thing, Kamiya is almost a complete non factor and Ito does ok busting out a few nice highlights and she gets the win after hitting a twisting senton on Shimoda. Little bit of a disapointing match, not bad at all just a little by the numbers and you know these 4 could do even better on another night. Nice little chant for Ito from the K-Hall crowd after her win.
- Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita vs Bull Nakano & Cynthia Moreno
Christ the Moreno clan is short. Not a new revolation but damn is it noticable looking at Cynthia standing next to Bull. Anyways this was a cool little match. Everyone more or less played the role you'd exspect and it was kind of formulaic but it was a really good execution of the formula for the most part so I dug it a lot. LCO was in full evil cheating bastard mode which is always fun. They even had Shimoda run in to lay in a few extra kicks. Hokuto & Bull have a few nice battle of the bad ass sections when they're in thear with each other with Hokuto even getting the upper hand in many of them. Cynthia isn't the most sympathetic person taking a beating but she's far from bad at it and she was on fire once it came time for her to make the big comeback later on in the match. Ending is a little out of nowhear as Hokuto grabs her in an upside down twisting pretzle thingy hold for the flash sub win but yeah, this was pretty rockin up until then.
We then get a sad a little moment as Mariko Yoshida comes out and anounces she has to pull out of the tag league due to injury. It would be almost 2 years before she'd return to the ring.
- (Tag Leauge The Best 92) Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe vs Eriko Shark Tsuchiya & Yoshika Crusher Maedomari
Oh lord, this match, WOW. Mad Dog Military jump the Goku girls and SHIT'S ON as chair throwing madness ensues. Back in the ring Bat completely fucks up Shark with stiff kicks to the point whear Shark just covers before trying to grap some kind of hold as things break down. Doesn't appear these 2 are exactly "working" with each other here. Watanabe comes in and things go a little smoother as she takes a beating for a little while. We get another Shark vs Bat face off and Jesus Holy Christ Bat is murdering Shark in this match. Shark just legit gets blown up and you can see her huffing and puffing for all she's worth. Insane heat for all of this as the crowd boos the hell out of anything the FMW girls do and are having freaking orgasms of joy when the AJW girls get their shots in, especially for Bat. Nice suplex, choke slam & lariat from Crusher in this. I'm no fan of hers but hey, credit whear it's do and all that. Eventually this breaks down into more brawling chaos outside that sees Watanabe get busted open and start gushing blood all over. Bat just straight up punches Shark in the skull as hard as she can. Somewhear in the back Hotta's sitting in a corner crying in fear saying "ouch, lighten up girl". Crusher comes in and caves in Bats skull with a chair for her trouble, another chair shot for Watanabe and then a double powerbomb puts an end to things as Shark & Crusher pick up the win. Fuck, this kicked a million billion trillion zillion kinds of ass. Just great on every level you can imagine. If you hate Shark & Crusher this is the match for you, for entirely diffrent reasons if you love Shark & Crusher this is the match for you and hell, if you don't care either way but just love intense, angry, emotional, hate filled fuckin fights this is the match for you. Seriously, anyone out thear that's seen this and didn't like it is an evil, heartless, soulless demon that should be banished to a level of hell so deep that it doesn't exist yet, that the Devil will look at you when you arrive through the gate and proclaim "we gotta come up with some new shit for this bastard". So uhhh yeah, good match.
- (Tag Leauge The Best 92) Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue
Debbie the wise proclaims "we're facing the toughest team there is, we're gonna try our hardest" then goes off about the importance of matching gear for tag teams in the pre match promo. Little goofiness to start this off as Kyoko does some wacky hijinx only to get out smarted leading to Sakie & Deb hitting double dives. Super Maniacs mock their Steiner pose in response. Sakie & Deb try and shut down the "Kyoko clap clap clap" chant and turn the crowd to their side but it's a losing effort. Match kind of drags for a while after that. Paced almost like they're going to a DRAW even though they didn't. Long stretch of Sakie getting worked over but it's all very pedestrian stuff and nothing of note, then Debbie gets the luke warm tag and things switch up to Kyoko getting beat up. Things finally pick up when Aja tags back in around the 15 min or so mark and starts going crazy upside Debbie's head with the palm strikes. After that the action gets really great including both teams busting out some cool shit i'd never seen them do before. Insane overhead superplex from Debbie is always a big highlight too. The POWAH of Aja & Kyoko proves to be too much in the end as they splat both their opponents down with twisty whirly bird drops and Kyoko just squats on poor Sakie to pin her for the win. Another match that falls into the "good but you know they can do better" catagory. With a better middle portion this would have been among the better matches of the year i'm sure.
- (Tag Leauge The Best 92) Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami
A point i've brought up before is that AJW was really great when it came to booking matches to get over who the better wrestler is. Toyota & Yamada are double tag champs & main event stars. Hotta & Suzuka are a mid to upper mid card tag team that hasn't done much of importance in a while. On paper you think OK, this will be a pretty competitive match but in the end the champs will of course pick up the win. Instead we get almost the complete opposite. The anouncers refer to Hotta & Suzuka as the "dark horse" team in the tournament as they make their entrance so you know something's up. This isn't a full on squash or even anything close to it but Hotta & Suzuka were largely the dominant team here. They controlled most of the action in the first 2/3 of the match, any time Toyota or Yamada would make a come back and get a little momentum going it wouldn't last super long and they'd get cut off. Any time the match went outside, the champs would be left laying on the floor wallowing in pain. Toyota who's coming off a recent foot injury got her leg worked over, it didn't go anywhear early on but by the end of the match they went back to it and it became a big focus. Hotta & Suzuka both destroy it late in the match and either legit reinjure it a little or Toyota does one of the best sell jobs i've ever seen from her to put it over. Betting on the latter actually which was pretty awesome. Eventually she has to sit out for several mins to get it re-taped while Yamada fights it alone. Eventually she comes back and her & Yamada go on a big run of stuff but nothing they can pull out gets them the win. Enzu flurry from Yamada, the double team flapjack, double team high angle slam, double flying head butt, all get 2. Hotta gets a bunch of her own big stuff in too and Suzuka is quite the bad ass in this as well. In the end it comes down to Hotta & Toyota. Toyota eats knee off a moonsault attempt which allows Hotta to drop her with the straight jacket superplex which doesn't look like it's _ close to killing someone this time though still scary. Hotta jumps for joy in victory and has a look on her face like even she can't believe it. Another really good match between these 2 teams. Not sure if i'd rank this ahead of the March one or not but it's close
End of this tape has a sweet hype segment running down the card for the big Dream Rush show coming up in November which was cool to see as you almost never see that done in joshi
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