Saturday, April 23, 2011

AJW TV 8/9/1992

- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R2) Mariko Yoshida & Sakie Hasegawa vs Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda
#1 Pair have the weirdest music, like this ancient Chinese sounding pop tune, was this Sakie's regular theme at the time? Don't think i've ever heard Yoshida come out to it. Toyota rockin quite the bad ass leather jacket. Match starts with a little bit of back & forth before the Tokyo Sweethearts take over. They go after Yoshida's back for a bit and then Mima goes all nuts once things spill outside, she singlehandidly wipes out everyone in a chair swinging frenzy which sees Yoshida end up with a bloody lip. Mima continues to go all super ruda beating up Yoshida with her wicked ways before Sakie gets taged in to take her place as the TS' punching bag. Switch back again to punishing Yoshida as this time they go after her bad arm. Action picks up when things go outside again, this time seeing Mima take out everyone with a dive and Toyota wanting in on that action hits a crazy out of contoll moonsault whear she somehow ends up fyling down horizontally. Big near fall sequence to end things as everyones busting out a million suplexes and moonsaults and other big moves. Sakie eats a nasty backdrop off the top in one highlight. Finish comes down to Shimoda & Yoshida trading moves when out of nowhere Yosdhia counters getting whiped into the corner by leaping up to the top rope and hoping off into a sunset flip to get the win. Really good stuff here as Mima really upped her game here and Yoshida continues to be one of the best wrestlers in the company. Bonus as it aired nearly full too.

- Aja Kong vs Takako Inoue
So, one of the running themes this year has been Takako, who can hold her own in the mid card, getting the shit kicked out of her any time she takes on one of the tougher main eventers like Bull or Hokuto. Going in you'd think this match would be no diffrent but Takako has other ideas. She says to herself "fuck it, if i'm going down i'm going down swinging", she jumps Aja with a chair in the isle way and it's on. She drags Aja back ringside and has 2 of the young girls I don't immediatly recognise help hold Aja down in some sort of revenge of the nerds uprising alliance. Tak then hits a suicide dive to wipe them all out. When Aja gets back up she's super pissed that Inoue would have the nerve to try that shit on her so she starts tossing chairs and the ring steps and what not around in frustration. She gets back in and you think "Aja's gonna kill you" but no, after Aja tosses her outside Takako outruns her ass and escapes back inside before she can catch her. More furniture tossing from Aja as a big Takako chant breaks out from the crowd. Aja flips em all off and then finally is able to get her hands on Inoue and well. Aja bullies her around with some power stuff for a bit and smashes her head in with one of her trash cans. A little later on Takako is able to mount a tiny comeback, getting ahold of Aja's other can and going to town but she doesn't exactly have the most power behind her shots and things end badly. Aja again takes the fight outside, this time more succesfully and yeah, NOW it's time for Inoue to die. Takako gets hit so hard with a chair she literally almost starts crying and then she gets draged all over the building as Aja uses her as a battering ram to clear the way as fans run in terror. The make their way over to the merch stands whear Aja piledrives her on a table as 8x10s go flying all over. Aja drags her around a while longer after that before deciding she's had enough. One more piledriver and a crushing diving elbow drop and it's over. You tried Takako, you tried. One wouldn't think she'd live to fight another day after this but she did. Awesome match as I loved the story of Takako trying to go all out to prove herself only to die trying. Only aired a little over half but I doubt she got much more offense in then what was shown.

- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R2) Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada vs Kyoko Inoue & Terri Power
Hokuto, Yamada & The Wonder Powers got lucky and drew byes past the 1st round. Match goes about as good as can be exspected. When Kyoko is in with either of her opponents they do their usual fast paced action stuff which is always fun. When Terri is in she actually does ok enough. Spent a fair amount of time in this having her play FIP as Yamada worked over Terri's bandaged up leg and they limited her offense and didn't have her do anything she couldn't pull off half way decently. Little scared when she went up top for a diving cross body but it didn't look too bad. Funny moment early in the match as Terri challenged Hokuto to a test of strength and Hokuto just bites her arm as soon as they lock up. Some nice stuff during the finishing stretch as Kyoko does most of the work here. Finally comes down to her & Yamada after Hokuto takes out Terri ringside. Having been in the ring a while and now all alone with no one to help her Kyoko falls prety to Yamada's diving enzu. Pretty decent match all around.

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