Sunday, April 24, 2011

Random Quickie - Stardom Debut show 1/23/2011

Quick thoughts on Stardom's debut show

1. Nanae Takahashi & Iris vs Natsuki*Taiyo & Yuzuki Aikawa
2. Mika Nagano vs Eri Susa
3. Haruka vs Passion Nakki
4. Arisa Hoshiki vs Mayu Iwatani
5. Yoko Bito vs Yoshiko

Opener was pretty good, especially the final stretch once it got down to Nanae & Yuzu. I'll be blunt and just say I thought Iris stunk. Trying way too hard to do stuff beyond her level. Sometimes simple is best. Yuzu is def the real deal though, a lot of girls in joshi have made a career out of having 90% kick offense and being able to take a good beating so i'm fine with her going that route.

Nagano/Susa didn't much care for. Nagano looked awesome, wish she'd wrestle more often but Susa wasn't impressive at all.

Not a fan of the kids wrestling either. Got 10 secs into Haruka/Passion Nakki and hit the ff button. Cursious to see the Hirota matches if they make tape but otherwise i'll be doing the same for any future matches she's in.

Arisa vs Mayu was quite good for a rookies match. Unlike Iris they actually pulled off their flashy stuff well and Arisa has some nice looking kicks. Arisa seems like she could be a cool heel if they ever wanted to go that way.

Yoko/Yoshiko was just ok to me. Maybe it's because they showed a ton of footage of Yoshiko being a typical giggly, smiling teen, cracking jokes at dinner all happy with everyone else earlier in the show but I had a hard time getting into her "grrrr, now i'm an angry anti social bad girl" act, just came across really forced and un-natural. A lot of her wrestling was clunky too but eh, there's some potential thear. As yet another chick trying to work a kicker gimmick Bito really did come across like the least talented one at it. Not as hurty lookin as Yuzu's and not as pretty lookin as Arisa's. There were some nice moments in this too though.

So overall, 2 matches I really liked, 2 I didn't and 1 in the middle. Won't make me forget GAEA's debut or anything but for a 1st show featuring a roster that's like 75% rookies having their 1st or 2nd matches this wasn't too bad.

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