Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AJW 8/30/1992

- Tomoko Watanabe & Bat Yoshinaga vs Cynthia Moreno & Rie Tamada

Largely a drawn out squash for the Goku Soldiers. Moreno gets a little bit in here and thear but can't do too much and they toss little Rie around for much of the time she's in thear. Not exactly the most exciting stuff in the world but this was servicable enough. Bat attempting to commit homicide, spin kicking girls in the mouth never gets old atleast. The crowd lets out a cry which I imagine is the Japanese equivilent of "oh shit" as she hits knocks Cynthis the fug out to win this one.

- Debbie Malenko & Takako Inoue vs Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito

Super fun match. Starts a little slow but mid way one of the bars that holds the ropes snaps with a loud pop that sounded like a bomb went off, after that things pick up. Gimpy ropes doesn't stop anyone from hiting them full force the rest of the match though as they start stretching like rubber bands. Doesn't seem like the wisest move but hey, their slogan wasn't victory through no guts. Real nice section of submission stuff from everyone after that and then we get your standard big section of near falls & high spots. Comes down to Takako & Ito rippping things up as it almost looks like Ito is going to get the big win after a bunch of footstomps but Debbie puts an end to that cutting her off and allowing Tak to come back and finish things with her shoulder suplex.

- (JGP 92) Mariko Yoshida vs Kyoko Inoue

Kyoko & Yoshida tied for points going into this so we get a play off match to determine who goes on to the semi finals of their block later tonight. Yoshida chant to start as the Mariko fan club is once again in full effect at here at K-Hall. First half or so of this is all mat work goodness that sees Kyoko gets the advantage, long section of her working over Yoshida's back & legs. Both of them taking things a lot more seriously then their match earlier in the tournament. The action picks up once the match goes out to the floor. Kyoko hits her insane nestea plunge like backwards dive which also ends up hurting her allowing Yoshida to finally make her come back and hit a few dives of her own. Crazy stretch of big moves follows, big Yoshida chant again breaks out as the fans are going nuts for this match and in the end they get their wish as Yoshida hits a run up sunset flip out of nowhear to gain the vicotry. Huge win for her, knocking off last years winner. Really good match, not sure if I like this more then the 30 min draw or not. It's close but eh, if I had to choose I might go with this one.

- Bull Nakano, Yumiko Hotta & Suzuka Minami vs Akira Hokuto, Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda

Nice to see LCO finally got a day off to take Mima shoping at the bitch heel emporium and pick her up some new gear. Earlier in the night it got anounced that Hotta & Suzuka were going to be the latest to get a tour of Mexico, oddly huge amount of streamers for Hotta tonight. A good half the roster has to have gone down thear by now, I really gotta check and see if any of their stuff made CMLL tv one day. On to the match, holy shit this ruled. Just an intense fucking WAR from bell to bell. Megumi Kudo & Combat Toyoda are sitting ringside for this as they've got an upcoming tag in FMW vs Bull & Hokuto so both of them are extra amped tonight. Hokuto is just tearing things up left & right, Mima & Mita are doing their damndest to keep up. Hotta really steped up her shit big time here, working really crisp & hitting some big high spots you don't usually see including some lucha dives. Cool to see as Hotta hasn't done much of anything of note in quite a while. Suzuka almost stole the show herself and also steped things up big time with her power stuff, tossing people all over the place with suplexes and power bombs and stuff. Really cool moment as Bull & Hotta lift one of LCO up on their shoulders and Suzuka hits a flying senton on her from that position. Lastly Bull was in full on monster mode here, double suplexes, lariats from the deepest level of hell, destroying all in her path. For the finish Mima eats a lariat from her straight into Suzuka's waiting arms who bridges back into a german for the win. This was really similar to the famous LCO vs LLPW 6 woman tag from Jan 93 and might even be better. For sure one of the top matches this year, just awesome stuff. Post match after beating the hell out of each other Bull & Hokuto unite and talk smack to the visiting dignitaries from FMW letting them know shits on.

- (JGP 92 Semi Final) Aja Kong vs Toshiyo Yamada

Heh, funny as hell that if you google image search "E-Honda palm strikes" the 2nd picture that shows up links to my blog now, tremendous. A-Honda starts this shindig off with just that, spazing out upon miss Yamada's face with the most painful game of patty-cake you could imagine. All down hill for Toshiyo after that, she eats a million foot stomps, has her head used as a battering ram and all around gets a general butt whopin here. Yamada tries to fight back a little, she gets in a hip toss which Aja somehow manages to counter by biting her in the stomach, leaving a nice face print upon her tummy in the process. Match goes outside and K-hall turns into one big play pen for Aja who's in a giving mood tonight. Chairs, garbage cans, doors, rails, tables, some old woman's freakin purse. Aja gladly shares all her toys with Yamada, busting her open in the process getting blood everywhear. Even tosses Yamada down a flight of stairs just because. Back in the ring Yamada finally gets fired up and fights back, she gets Aja down on the ground and soccer kicks the heck out of her skull but then makes a mistake trying to follow that up with some leg work. Aja gets up saying something about not bringing knives to gunfights and leg locks to your death sentence. Don't speak Japanese so couldn't tell for sure. More weapon shots come Yamada's way but she's till in the fight and makes one more little come back. Diving enzu can't get it, huge uraken from Yamada can't get it, try try...fail. Aja shows Yamada how a back fist is done, crushes her with the back drop smash off the top and hits the diving back elbow because she can putting an end to this. Great stuff here, pissed off surly Aja always rules.

- (JGP 92 Semi Final) Manami Toyota vs Mariko Yoshida

Picture's worth 1000 words and the pouty look on Kyoko's face as she sits on the sidelines doing commentary for this says it all about what she's thinking. Basic speed/flash vs technical battle to start this off which sees Yoshida come out on the winning side as she steals Kyoko's strategy from earlier and works over Toyota's back & legs for a while. As she's want to do on many an ocasion, Toyota says screw that mess and once given the chance turns things into her "style" of match. This would be a really annoying trait to have except that 99% of the time her style of match usually kicks ass so she can get away with it and this was no exception. Yoshida, can more then keep up with her in that department and infact ends up outshining Toyota here and regains controll of the match. Match then becomes a super long stretch of near falls as they bust out every suplex, dive and cradle you can imagine. Big highlight for me was watching them bust out the Malenko/Guerrero roll up spot years before Malenko & Guerrero were doing it. Fans not particularly cheering on either one in this match but they're popping huge for all the big moves making for a great atmosphere. Toyota plays dream crusher tonight and puts away Yoshida to win with a hamerlock german suplex. Post match Yoshida does get a huge amount of cheers from the crowd for her effort while Toyota waste no time on celebrating as she rushes to the back knowing she's going to have to come out again next. Another really good match.

- (JGP 92 FINAL) Aja Kong vs Manami Toyota

Match starts before they can even get in the ring as Toyota jumps her in the aisle and they start fighting through the crowd. Or, well, maybe fighting is the wrong word as that would imply equality, imply that they're attacking each other and there's none of that here. What I should say is Aja starts beating her ass through the crowd, giving her some of what Yamada got. Slows down a little once they eventually make it to the ring as Aja works a bunch of wear down holds. Toyota tries to make a come back but nothing she can come up with work. Toyota goes for a big move and Aja counters it, Toyota hits a big strike and Aja just shrugs it off, Toyota goes for a hold and Aja escapes. Fortuna is not smiling upon Ignatius M Toyota tonight, not at all. Finish sees Toyota go for the moonsault only to eat knee, Aja goes for the back drop smash which Toyota rolls through on trying for a power bomb but Aja just drops that ass, bonzai style and a few moments later a rather nasty choke slam puts her away for the 3. I've probably seen atleast 11 or 12 Aja vs Toyota singles matches now and i'd say this one is firmly in the middle of the pack but hey, middle of the pack Aja/Toyota is still pretty darn good. Post match Toyota bows to the mastah out of respect. Little bit later they also bring Yoshida into the ring to give her what i'm guessing is the MVP award for the tournament which she's quite deserving of. Aja having won the big prize congrajulates her and gladly shares the spotlight.

AJW's JGP final shows are always some of the best of the year and this is no exception

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