- Aja Kong, Sakie Hasegawa & Debbie Malenko vs Bull Nakano, Suzuka Minami & Tomoko Watanabe
Cool to see Watanabe teaming up with Bull again. For as long as she's been in Goku this is only the 2nd televised match the've had teaming together, the other being last August. Big highlight of this match was a fun little brawling section with everyone fighting all over the crowd. Aja cleans house and takes out everyone almost all by herself. Like 11/2 we don't get too much Aja/Bull going at it but what they do serves as a nice tease for what' to come. The rest of this match is just kind of everyone else randomly coming in and out to do stuff, enough to keep things entertaining but not enough to make this stand out or memorable. Aja gets the win over Suzuka with a pretty sweet looking german. Post match we learn Sakie & Deb are the latest winners of an all exspenses trip down Mexico Way and will be gone for a couple of weeks. Not sure but I don't think there's any major name on the roster that hasn't been sent over at one time this year now.
- Akira Hokuto vs Kauro Ito
Poor poor Ito, do not like her chances here. She attacks Hokuto from behind.... and um yeah, poor poor Ito. And to clarify, when I say she attacked Hokuto, I mean she got exactly 1 drop kick in before Hokuto procedes to beat the dog fuck out of her. Ito gets her nose busted open from I think a lariat and we get a nice little visual of her dripping blood all over as Hokuto plays a game of how far can we bend a bitch, putting her in diffrent holds. Hokuto tosses her outside, slamming her into rails and stuff. She has the most sadistic smile ever on her face waiting for Ito to come back in the ring as she's just having a grand old time tonight. When she does make her way back in Hokuto immediatly claws her eyes out, just because. Running off the ropes Ito is able to get a tiny little bit of a come back in. She runs though her usual stuff, flying ass smashes, 20lb bag of footstomps, a few dives, etc.. until Hokuto gets sick of it. Ito goes for splash off the top but Hokuto puts her feet up causing her to land gut first on them and bounce a good 1ft+ in the air backwards. She the gets mercy killed with the NLB to end the suffering. Pissed off Hokuto is always fun.
- Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada
Takako gets the better of Yamada to start before Kyoko & Toyota tag in and do their usual thing which sees Toyota come out on top of the exchange. Yamada back in who again doesn't fair so well so she gets worked over for a bit by W-Inoue. Takako goes after her leg and even though she doesn't do so for nearly as long or aggresively as she did in the match with Ito 2 nights ago, Yamada puts it over so much better, limping slightly and stuff. Nice illustration of how little things like that add to a match. Anyways, Toyota & Takako end up going at it and have a fun exchange, Toyota bangs her kneee up a little landing bad off a moonsault but it doesn't play into things too much. Switch back to Kyoko & Yamada going at it for a little bit with Yamada spamming on the enzugiris but can't get the win. Things then end with a really awesome mini section between Kyoko & Toyota. Lots of big moves and big move counters. Kyoko freaks out after not getting the win with her back elbow in a funny moment. Toyota tries for her roll up cradle but Kyoko catches her with the Niagra driver. Yamada escapes Takako's grasp and stands like a foot away while the ref is counting but instead of breaking up the pin just stares at Toyota and yells at her to kick out. WTF? Few moments later Kyoko drops her with a 2nd Niagra Driver and gets the win. Double WTF????? Wasn't exspecting that and neither was Kyoko judging by the great "holy shit REALLY?" look on her face as soon as the ref counts 3. Hasn't been a good couple of weeks for the tag champs of late. Lioness is on commentary for this show, wonder if she was thinking "boy, it sure would be fun to toss that Kyoko off a balcony or 2 and down a few flights of stairs. Too bad i'm retired :)" while watching this. Anyways, fun match, not as great as it looks on paper. Takako at this stage is stall a few levels below everyone else involved. More a raw potential version of how awesome a match between these 2 teams could be.
Undercard highlights shown
Kamiya over Moreno in 12:30, Bat over Mita in 12:00 (which i'd have really liked to see) and Hotta over Mima in 14:30.
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