- Sumiko Saito vs Candy Okutsu
Again Saito looks good but only a couple mins out of 12 aired and you can only do so much working opening match vs a rookie like Candy who'd only been wrestling 2 months at this stage. Saito gets the win with the STF.
- Fatter Butcher Karate Girl & Green Gi Karate Girl vs Sumiyo Toyama & Flower Girl Tights Wearer
Hell yeah, more Karate army in the house. FBKG Kicks flower girl right in the fuckin eye and swells it shut to start the match. Rest of what airs shows FBKG and Karate Ranger Green throwing a million more kicks and the ocasional knee at her. Greeny catches her with an enzugiri and she gets knocked out and fails to make it back to her feet for 10. Only 2 out of 14 mns aired, no footage of Toyama doing anything was shown but looked fun.
- Devil Masami vs Mariko Kyoki
Another in a never ending parade of randoms popping up on these early JWP tapes. This show would be the only televised proof of miss Kyoki even existing. Devil was nice enough to let her get in a couple kicks and a leg bar, they looked nice. Devil then crushed her and took her head off with a couple of lariets to end this after 3 mins.
- Plum Mariko vs Commando Bolshoi
Was hoping this would be a nice little prelude to the awesome submission match they'd have a few months later but sadly they don't take it to the mat at all. Once I got over the disapointment of them not doing what I wanted and took this for what it was I thought they had a pretty rockin little match. They worked this as a big move, all action match, Bolshoi brought some nice dives and other highspots, Plum brought a big bag of suplexes, ending with Plum getting the win with her cross armed german, fun stuff. Went 14 mins, little under half aired.
- Devil Masami, Sumiko Saito & Mariko Kyoki vs Plum Mariko, Commando Bolshoi & Sumiyo Toyama
JWP crew isn't exactly rolling deep at this point so everyone's pulling double duty here. Main story is Devil playing monster and smashing everyone she gets her hands on. Sumiyo stands no chance, Bolshoi flat out runs from her in a funny spot latter on in the match only to get caught, and Plum gets the worst of it. Nasty spot whear Plum gets press slamed into the turnbuckle post gut first, she gets tossed into various other dangerous metal and wooden things along the way as well. When Devil wasn't in murdalizing folks the rest just kind of floated in and out, nothing to stand out too much just nice paced action. Match went 18, half aired, Devil saw drop Toyama with a powerbomb only to be gracious enough to allow Sumiko to get the pin after a top rope splash. Fun easy crowd pleasing match.
- (JWP Tag Titles) Cuty Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki (c) vs Dynamite Kansai & Hikari Fukuoka
Heh, interesting diffrence during the 2 teams entrances. Kansai & Fukuoka just calmly walk out and get in the ring. Fukuoka oddly looking like the spitting image of Jaguar Yakotoa with her all black singlet. Cury & OZ enter and they get mobed by fans and have to push their way through while mother fuckers are tossing confetti in the air. Wonder who as the more popular team here? Before the match gets under way they splice in a LONG clip of original Tiger Mask Sayama who was a special guest for this show, training Cuty and one of the other youngsters at his dojo in the proper way to smash faces and snap limbs. NOT as exciting as it sounds. Then get footage of Sayama giving them a pre match pep talk earlier in the night in the locker room as Cuty & OZ act all star struck like "holy shit, Tiger Mask is here and he's our buddy and we're super cool pals, fuck yeah hehehehehe" Devil Masami randomly barges in and just sits down next to him and starts puttin on lotion like it's no big deal. Sayama has a great "WTF is this bitch doing" look in response. That certainly killed 15 mins. Back to the match, yay. This was a rare case whear I watched a match twice in a row, the first time around I ended up thinking that this was pretty good but nothing special but I was distracted a lot during the initial viewing and had to stop and pause several times so fig that maybe I didn't give it a fair chance. 2nd time through I loved this a lot more. Early portion sees OZ & Fukuoka taking turns playing whipping girl for exstended periods of time, bit slow but not boring as they do lots of little things to keep it interesting. Ozaki being a great person to have as a tag partner is something i've brought up in previous reviews recently but I noticed here that Cuty is also pretty darn good as well. As a team they really compliment each other, always have each others back, always ready to come in and boot somebody in the head to make sure their partner doesn't get in too much trouble, have a lot of cool double team spots, etc.. Fukuoka & Kansai more work as 2 singles stars thrown together for a night. Around 1/3 of the way in they kick things into high gear after Cuty gets frustrated and tosses Fukuoka outside leading to a 4 way brawling section. Back inside they Cuty & OZ dominate most of the rest of the match, they blitz Kansai for a while and then Fukuoka tags in and works most the rest of the match. They don't go full on sprint but for the last 15 mins or so they work at a pretty fast pace and while not the most rabid you'll ever see they really get the fans into things by the end (better lighting and crowd micing would have helped the atmosphere a lot). Last few mins sees OZ & Cuty double teaming Fukuoka but keep failing to put her away, Hikari looks to make her come back, getting in a rolling cradle on OZ but just as quick Cuty rushes in and kills her with forearms allowing OZ to to drop her with everyone's favorite move the JWP special #1, a powerbomb for the win. Ending felt a little abrubt the first time I watched it but I think that was because by then they'd been going for so long with near falls and stuff that I hadn't realised they were allready into the finishing stretch long before then. Anyways, yeah, a few flaws here & thear but overall great match. Another from JWP that goes really long, 27 mins, but doesn't feel it at all, a total breez to sit through a second time.
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