Friday, April 29, 2011

AJW TV 8/10/1992

- (AJW Title) Sakia Hasegawa (c) vs Kaoru Ito
Early portion sees Sakie go after Ito's arm as she is yet another member of the roster thats nursing an injury and has one or more body parts taped up. Sakie herself has both knees wraped and her back. Anyways, this part doesn't really go anywhere of interest. Things pick up after Ito goes on offense and starts wearing down Hasegawa. Sakie puts over the sleeper like a champ, selling the fatigue. Leads into Ito going on a foot stomp spree, hitting a billion in a row including off the apron to the floor. Sakie kicks out after Ito finally goes for the pin and after Ito misses a dive it's Sakie's turn to go all nutty. Sakie proves spin kick > foot stomp and after hitting a bunch of her own gains the win. Pretty decent match, nice to see Ito moving up the ranks as she's now firmly out of young girl mode and can be considered a solid mid carder at this stage. Helped that this is a 90 min broadcast instead of 60 so they got a little extra tv time though this was still edited down a bit.

- Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs Cynthia Moreno & Saemi Numata & Tomoko Watanabe
1st time getting to see LCO as a trio in action, apparently they've not yet had time to stop by the grapple-gear emporium and pick up Mima some new ruda attire as she kinda sticks out now still rocking her same old stuff. Your opposing team sullenly walks to the ring with a look that tells you they know full well they're heading to the execution chamber. LCO from the go beat the heck out of everyone in their path, dominating the whole way through. Watanabe is the only one who remotely gets any offense in as she has a short little run of stuff against Mima including a really nice judo throw into a pin combination. Doesn't last long though as Hokuto looks at that shit and is like no, i'm not having any of this so she tags in, hits a missile dropkick on Watanabe & Numatchi, smacks Cynthia upside the head to take her out and drops Watanabe with the NLB and pins her with 1 knee to put an end to the slaughter about 5 mins in. Fun little trip through squash city.

Insane Japanese Commercial Report
- Add for the Japanese version of Juice starring 2-Pac
- Add for what appears to be a bi-sexual romance soap opera
- Dancing Sumo of JOY
Tv station certainly covering all bases here ;-)

- Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs Aja Kong & Terri Power
See, I told you Takako lived to fight another day. Unfortunatly for her she has to fight Aja yet again, sporting a large bandage on the back of her skull from the previous nights butt kickin. W-Inoue try their luck at taking down Terri instead but nothing much comes of it. Aja tags in and apparently didn't have enough fun yesterday so she goes right back to torturing Takako, ripping off her bandage and trying to re-open the wound. They switch off to their respective parters after a while which leads to a weird moment as Kyoko shoots her into the ropes and bends down like she's going to give her a back body drop only she's facing the wrong way so Terri just sorta ends up falling over her back as she comes in. They tried to turn it into an arm drag but yeah, it was ugly. Few moments later Terri redeems herself by actually pulling off a nice looking slingshot pescado as the match spills outside. Aja again drags Takako all over the arena, this time hurling whatever random opjects she can find at her, chairs, purses, drinks. In the true highlight of this match Aja snatches someone's shoe and smacks the hell out of Inoue with it. So wrong. Back inside and Kyoko gets worked over for a while as the momentum kind of dies here. Aja gets bored and starts whacking people with her can randomly which is always fun but then they do a bunch more meandering shit as you realise this match so did not need to go 17 mins long. They pull it together for the ending stretch though as Aja goes nuts splashing folks and hitting some damn stiff urakens upside Kyoko's head, it's all over though after she accidently hits Terri a few times. Kyoko takes advantage and puts her Wonder Powers partner away with the Niagra driver which she had to dead lift her ass to acomplish as Terri doesn't go up easy at all for it. Certainly some good moments in this but overall just an OK match. Aja wasn't in the mood to work for 2 so this didn't turn out as well as the Terri Power tag the night before did.

- Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga
Nice thing about AJW booking at the time was that in tags they didn't always have the most obvious choice eat the loss but for this one, yeah, there's 100% no doubt about who's jobbing at the end :) Toyota & Yamada start fast and get an early advantage, lots of quick high spots and stuff. Bull eventually comes in and kills Yamada though which leads to a long beat down section on her. Fun moment as Bat gets in and goes all Kung Fu on her ass with nutty kick & punch combos. After Toyota breaks up a pin attempt Bull gets cocky and just tosses Yamada in her corner and tells Toyota to bring it which she does not. Toyota gets her butt kicked too and busted open hardway once Bull bust out the nun-chucks on her. Team Goku works over the cut for a bit and in a big highlight of the match Bull take her head off with a lariat that flips her completely upside down which is always a cool spot to see in wrestling. Yamada finally gets in and gets revenge on Bat with a bunch of kick flurries of her own and some attacks over her arm. Rest of the match is made up of a long stretch of back & forth stuff whear no team can gain the advantage for more then a few mins. Similar to a lot of Toyota/Yamada workrate tags though a little slowed down to work more to their opponents strengths. Good action all around though as everyone is bringing their A game here. Toyota wipes out Bull & 2 or 3 other people with a moonsault which leaves Bat alone to take the beating. Tag champs can't put her away though which gives a pissed off Bull enough time to recover, she calls for her nun chucks but somehow Toyota gets a hold of them and pays back Ms Nakano for earlier with some wild shots to the back. Once again they get Bat alone and after a back drop suplex off the top from Yamada, Toyota gets the pin with another moonsault. It's funny, one never really thinks of Bat Yoshinaga as a really good wrestler but on the rare ocasions whear she gets to mix it up with the uppercard talent in a high profile match she almsot always steps it up and becomes a highlight of the action. Her & Toyota always have weirdly awesome chemistry together. This is the 4th tag i've seen with them with 4 diffrent partners and they've all been really good with this being no exception and by far the best tag they've been involved in together.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Random Quickie - Stardom Debut show 1/23/2011

Quick thoughts on Stardom's debut show

1. Nanae Takahashi & Iris vs Natsuki*Taiyo & Yuzuki Aikawa
2. Mika Nagano vs Eri Susa
3. Haruka vs Passion Nakki
4. Arisa Hoshiki vs Mayu Iwatani
5. Yoko Bito vs Yoshiko

Opener was pretty good, especially the final stretch once it got down to Nanae & Yuzu. I'll be blunt and just say I thought Iris stunk. Trying way too hard to do stuff beyond her level. Sometimes simple is best. Yuzu is def the real deal though, a lot of girls in joshi have made a career out of having 90% kick offense and being able to take a good beating so i'm fine with her going that route.

Nagano/Susa didn't much care for. Nagano looked awesome, wish she'd wrestle more often but Susa wasn't impressive at all.

Not a fan of the kids wrestling either. Got 10 secs into Haruka/Passion Nakki and hit the ff button. Cursious to see the Hirota matches if they make tape but otherwise i'll be doing the same for any future matches she's in.

Arisa vs Mayu was quite good for a rookies match. Unlike Iris they actually pulled off their flashy stuff well and Arisa has some nice looking kicks. Arisa seems like she could be a cool heel if they ever wanted to go that way.

Yoko/Yoshiko was just ok to me. Maybe it's because they showed a ton of footage of Yoshiko being a typical giggly, smiling teen, cracking jokes at dinner all happy with everyone else earlier in the show but I had a hard time getting into her "grrrr, now i'm an angry anti social bad girl" act, just came across really forced and un-natural. A lot of her wrestling was clunky too but eh, there's some potential thear. As yet another chick trying to work a kicker gimmick Bito really did come across like the least talented one at it. Not as hurty lookin as Yuzu's and not as pretty lookin as Arisa's. There were some nice moments in this too though.

So overall, 2 matches I really liked, 2 I didn't and 1 in the middle. Won't make me forget GAEA's debut or anything but for a 1st show featuring a roster that's like 75% rookies having their 1st or 2nd matches this wasn't too bad.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

AJW TV 8/9/1992

- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R2) Mariko Yoshida & Sakie Hasegawa vs Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda
#1 Pair have the weirdest music, like this ancient Chinese sounding pop tune, was this Sakie's regular theme at the time? Don't think i've ever heard Yoshida come out to it. Toyota rockin quite the bad ass leather jacket. Match starts with a little bit of back & forth before the Tokyo Sweethearts take over. They go after Yoshida's back for a bit and then Mima goes all nuts once things spill outside, she singlehandidly wipes out everyone in a chair swinging frenzy which sees Yoshida end up with a bloody lip. Mima continues to go all super ruda beating up Yoshida with her wicked ways before Sakie gets taged in to take her place as the TS' punching bag. Switch back again to punishing Yoshida as this time they go after her bad arm. Action picks up when things go outside again, this time seeing Mima take out everyone with a dive and Toyota wanting in on that action hits a crazy out of contoll moonsault whear she somehow ends up fyling down horizontally. Big near fall sequence to end things as everyones busting out a million suplexes and moonsaults and other big moves. Sakie eats a nasty backdrop off the top in one highlight. Finish comes down to Shimoda & Yoshida trading moves when out of nowhere Yosdhia counters getting whiped into the corner by leaping up to the top rope and hoping off into a sunset flip to get the win. Really good stuff here as Mima really upped her game here and Yoshida continues to be one of the best wrestlers in the company. Bonus as it aired nearly full too.

- Aja Kong vs Takako Inoue
So, one of the running themes this year has been Takako, who can hold her own in the mid card, getting the shit kicked out of her any time she takes on one of the tougher main eventers like Bull or Hokuto. Going in you'd think this match would be no diffrent but Takako has other ideas. She says to herself "fuck it, if i'm going down i'm going down swinging", she jumps Aja with a chair in the isle way and it's on. She drags Aja back ringside and has 2 of the young girls I don't immediatly recognise help hold Aja down in some sort of revenge of the nerds uprising alliance. Tak then hits a suicide dive to wipe them all out. When Aja gets back up she's super pissed that Inoue would have the nerve to try that shit on her so she starts tossing chairs and the ring steps and what not around in frustration. She gets back in and you think "Aja's gonna kill you" but no, after Aja tosses her outside Takako outruns her ass and escapes back inside before she can catch her. More furniture tossing from Aja as a big Takako chant breaks out from the crowd. Aja flips em all off and then finally is able to get her hands on Inoue and well. Aja bullies her around with some power stuff for a bit and smashes her head in with one of her trash cans. A little later on Takako is able to mount a tiny comeback, getting ahold of Aja's other can and going to town but she doesn't exactly have the most power behind her shots and things end badly. Aja again takes the fight outside, this time more succesfully and yeah, NOW it's time for Inoue to die. Takako gets hit so hard with a chair she literally almost starts crying and then she gets draged all over the building as Aja uses her as a battering ram to clear the way as fans run in terror. The make their way over to the merch stands whear Aja piledrives her on a table as 8x10s go flying all over. Aja drags her around a while longer after that before deciding she's had enough. One more piledriver and a crushing diving elbow drop and it's over. You tried Takako, you tried. One wouldn't think she'd live to fight another day after this but she did. Awesome match as I loved the story of Takako trying to go all out to prove herself only to die trying. Only aired a little over half but I doubt she got much more offense in then what was shown.

- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R2) Akira Hokuto & Toshiyo Yamada vs Kyoko Inoue & Terri Power
Hokuto, Yamada & The Wonder Powers got lucky and drew byes past the 1st round. Match goes about as good as can be exspected. When Kyoko is in with either of her opponents they do their usual fast paced action stuff which is always fun. When Terri is in she actually does ok enough. Spent a fair amount of time in this having her play FIP as Yamada worked over Terri's bandaged up leg and they limited her offense and didn't have her do anything she couldn't pull off half way decently. Little scared when she went up top for a diving cross body but it didn't look too bad. Funny moment early in the match as Terri challenged Hokuto to a test of strength and Hokuto just bites her arm as soon as they lock up. Some nice stuff during the finishing stretch as Kyoko does most of the work here. Finally comes down to her & Yamada after Hokuto takes out Terri ringside. Having been in the ring a while and now all alone with no one to help her Kyoko falls prety to Yamada's diving enzu. Pretty decent match all around.

Friday, April 22, 2011

AJW TV 7/30/1992

Pretty big show for Zenjo here though you can see in the crowd the buildings only about 60% full. Had to have been disapointing considering what the main event was.
- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R1) Mariko Yoshida & Sakie Hasegawa vs Takako Inoue & Etsuko Mita
From what was shown, only about 7 mins out of 14, this looked pretty good. Any combination of these 4 usually is. Takako & Mita dominated the early portion with a lot of brawling and attempted to go after Yoshida's bad arm though that doesn't go anywhere. Story of the match is Yoshida & Sakie just won't quit and keep fighting back. Finish comes when Yoshida misses her step up splash allowing Takako to go for her shoulder suplex only to have it reversed into a roll up by Yoshida to win.

- (Fuji TV Tag Tournament R1) Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda vs Bat Yoshinaga & Tomoko Watanabe

Mostly full match, about 10-11 of 15 shown. Everyone exspects that it's a given the Sweethearts are advancing here so this match is all about the Goku Young Soldiers trying to prove they aren't going to be pushovers. Bat & Wat jump them before they can even get in the ring and right away start swinging chairs & stuff. They then remain in controll for most of the rest of the match. Toyota gets a little run of stuff and runs wild a bit with a thousand dropkicks but those segments don't last long. Mima gets a few good shots in of her own but largely plays the role of whipping girl here. She gets a bloody nose after getting hit by one of Bat's spin kicks here. Bat was super amped up for this match, in full on wrecking ball mode. Wonder if Bat was like 3 inches taller would she have gotten Hotta's eventual push instead? Hmmm. Anyways, late in the match Toyota hot tagged back in and this finally allows the TS to take controll, they hit a lot of big double team stuff, double dropkicks, stereo dives, etc.. and once Toyota is able to get Watanabe isolated it's over. Toyota gets the win after a rolling cradle followed up by a moonsault.

Insane Japanese Commercial whear giant cows invade a family BBQ and wreck shit up :)

- (Cage Match) Bull Nakano vs Akira Hokuto
7 mins out of 18 shown, FUCK YOU FUJI TV EDITING CREW. From what aired this looked awesome. Slugfest to start that sees Bull get the early advantage busting Hokuto open after smashing her head into the cage a few times. The Dangerous Queen is a vengefull one though and she fights back, fixing Bull a cage sandwhich of her own.

Hokuto ups the violence and has one of her cronies toss in her kendo stick. Leads to Bull dawning a crimson mask of her own and Hokuto continuing the beating. Big sequence whear she hits a ton of missile drop kicks allowing her to almost escape. Bull catches her though and as always, it doesn't take much for Bull to come back and start to dominate again. Bull hits the guiloteen and then points up top as the crowd knows what's coming now.

She leaps, she misses, she's fucked. Hokuto scambles out of the way at the last second and takes advantage. She hits 2 Northern Light Bombs in a row which would kill any normal woman or atleast knock them out. Bull however is still atleast concious and is able to grab Hokuto's foot as she tries to escape so Hokuto drops her with a 3rd NLB. She climbs up to the top of the cage and hits a giant drop kick which finally puts Bull down allowing Hokuto to get the HUGE win. 1st time Bull has lost in over a year as Hokuto becomes only the 2nd person to score a win over her since Bull won the title in Jan 1990. Post match, Hokuto cuts another promo in near tears which I believe roughly translates to "fuck you Gokumonto, LCO runs shit now". Backstage, she can barely walk. One has to go through hell to kill the devil afterall.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

1 Shot Quickie :) - Haruyama vs Mita

1/27/2008 (Kayoko Haruyama 10th Anniversary Match) Haruyama vs Etsuko Mita

A few months before she was going to win the title, you kind of take for granted/exspect a good effort from Bari Bari girl and that's we got here. 2008 Mita on the other hand you don't exactly go in exspecting much of anything but holy shit she busted ass here. They smartly worked around her limitations, mainly not being super mobile though she did bust out a sweet running suicide dive and played up her remaining strengths, having great psychology, knowing how to build things well and still being able to bump like crazy and do some cool power stuff. This went from being good for a modern Mita match, to being a pretty good match period to by the end just a damn good match period. One of the better matches JWP's put up on their site in quite a while.        

AJW 7/15/1992

- Yumiko Hotta, Suzuka Minami & Cynthia Moreno vs Etsuko Mita, Kaoru Ito & Miroi Kamiya
Decent action, no one really stood out but it was fun enough. Cynthis spent a large amount of time playing whipping girl which really seemed like a waste. Nothing wrong with her selling or anything but when you see her name on the card one gets excited to see her on offense not the other way around. Suzuka gets the win with an assisted power bomb on Mita.

- (AJW Tag Titles) Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida (c) vs Mima Shimoda & Debbie Malenko
So the theme of this show is to have all the titles in the company on the line (except the jr) thus we get Yoshida defending the 1st of her 2 titles here. 30 seconds in and the fans are allready chanting her name as she's like the most over chick in the company at this point. Basic back & forth stuff for the 1st few mins of this until Yoshida & Tak wipe out Debbie with a doube suicide dive on the outside which ends in disaster for both teams. Debbie hurts her ankle pretty badly during the fall, Yoshida aggrivates her allready banged up shoulder and they both take a long time to get back in. Debbie quickly tags out and gets her ankle taped up while Shimoda gets worked over for a while. When Debbie's finally recovered enough to get back in she does pretty well for a 1 legged woman. She limps around lariating people in the jaw, bust out a northern light suplex from the top rope on Yoshida and then tries to take out her shoulder. Takako breaks it up quickly and then we get a bunch more back & forth stuff. Shimoda & Deb look to nearly win things but Takako again swoops in to save, she takes out Mima, sending her outside, then suplexes Debbie off the top which allows Yoshida to hit her step up plancha for the pin. Real good match, went 15 mins or so but felt like only half that.

- (AJW Title) Mariko Yoshida (c) vs Sakie Hasegawa
No rest for 2 gold Yoshida. She has time to go to the back, do a quick interview and put her ring jacket back on and that's it. Sakie won't even let her get a full ring intro and attacks her before the bell rings while streamers are still coming down in a cool visual. Sakie immediatly goes after the bad shoulder and destroys that for a while. Yoshida makes little come backs here and thear but even on offense she continues to sell her arm. Eventually she gets a longer term advantage on Sakie by going after her leg, she tells Hasegawa "you will pay" and puts on a clinic in 1 armed submission holds. Missed dive allows Sakie to take back over and again she goes after the shoulder but after a missed move of her own Yoshida fights back. Big sacraficial suicide dive from Yoshida, knowing she was going to take damage in an attempt to wipe out her opponent. Back in the ring Yoshida tries to go for the kill busting out whatever big moves she's got left but she can't get the win, Sakie rolls thru one of them for a huge near fall that has the crowd going nuts. Sakie starts going on  a spin kick flurry and hits a large amount with Yoshida getting up slower and slower each time. Yoshida does a cradle of her own out of nowhear for another giant near fall. Big Yoshida chants again during this. Yoshida again counters something from Sakie by just punching her square in the face but Sakie catches her with 1 more spin kick and we've got a new champion. Great match, Sakie was awesome here but this was made by Yoshida and her awesome selling. Better then their JGP form a month earlier and possibly Yoshida's best singles match of her career up to this point (either this or the Mita title match from June).

We then take a little break as they introduce the teams for the upcoming Fuji TV tag tournament and like allmost all AJW tag tournaments that means WACKY mixed up tag parters baby. Bison Kimura & Debbie Malenko were supposed to team up in this but Aja kind of murdering Bison sorta put a stop to those plans so it's a 7 team tournament with 1 team getting a bye.

The 7 remaining teams are
"Gokumonto Young Soldiers" Bat & Watanabe
"No cool name in English" Etsuko Mita & Takako Inoue who get the Japanase equivilant of "WTF" as the crowd goes "EHHHHHHHH" when they're arounced as a pair.
"Wonder Powers" Kyoko Inoue & Terri Power
"Tokyo Sweethearts" Toyota & Shimoda
"Team Why the hell not" Hokuto & Yamada
"#1 Pair" Yoshida & Sakie who are all buddy buddy after beating the heck out of each other a few mins ago. They even have a cool team pose
"Team I'd Rather Be Dead Then Team With Her" Bull & Aja
All the other teams up to this point came out all happy & smiling and shook hands with each other but Aja & Bull aren't having any of that. They come out ticked off, Aja gets in the ring, no hand shake, she shoves Bat, talks some shit on the mic and then storms off with Bull leaving soon after herself. They're given the extra slot to the 2nd round because I think everyone else was too scared to tell them they couldn't have it. The rest draw #'s out of a box to determine 1st round match ups in what looked to be an actual legit drawing.

- (All Pacific Title) Kyoko Inoue (c) vs Terri Power
Back to action as the Wonder Powers explode. Creepy anouncer guy feels up Terri's muscles during the pre fight interviews "oohhhh nice body". Terri's not going into this one overly optomistic "Kyoko's a genius, i'm new to this spot. Uhhh i'll see what I can do" is the gist what she says and well, Terri tried, I can say that. For someone pushed as a muscular she beast she really doesn't work the gimmick very well. She does very little actual power stuff, she can thorw an OK lariat and a few slams but that's it really. The rest of the time she wrestles like any other girl or atleast attempts to and tries way to hard to show she's more then just the muscles, attempting a lot of wacky high spots. Some of which she can do decently, her rana isn't bad, she can pull off the skin the cat well enough, some of which is just god awful and she blows embarasingly like any time she tries a dive, the rest she just does really stiff and unnatural so it comes off forced and awkward. Kyoko for her part attempts to keep things on the simple side and the match goes about as good as could be exspected for the 15 or so it last.  She gets the win with the Niagra driver to retain her title.

- (CMLL Women's Title) Bull Nakano (c) vs Akira Hokuto
So in fine lucha tradition this starts with a pre match photo of the champ, challenger and their seconds. Bull has Kyoko & Watanabe with her, Hokuto only has Mita. Mima Shimoda noticing the uneven odds here kinda casually strolls into the ring, gets on the mic and is all "Yo, Hokuto, can I be down? I see you're in need of another lackey." She then gets on her hands and knees and begs her to take her in. Hokuto remembering that Shimoda's kind of a scrub who's ass she kicked...badly the last time they met has a WTF, I dunno about this look on her face and takes a long time to answer. She finally gets on the mic and is all "you sure kid? gonna have to beat you into shape if you wanna roll with me" and Shimoda, still bowing down is all "yes yes, please please please" after some more contemplating, finally Hokuto responds "Ehhhhhh I guess, you're holding up the match here, shit, ok fine" And thus LCO as a trio was born. Like their last match Hokuto again sneak attacks to start. She drops Bull on her head a few times with DDTs and suplexes and what not then starts layin in the kicks. Also like their last match though Hokuto's early dominance doesn't last long. Bull lariats her out of the ring then takes her out with a suicide dive and Hokuto gets her ribs crushed on the landing. Hmmm deja vu. For good measure Bull also bust Hokuto's head open by shoving her face into a table among other things. Bull continues going after the ribs, Hokuto tries to get a german in but can't hold the bridge. Bull tortures her for quite a while here to the point Hokuto can't even run the ropes and just colapses. When Bull tries to pull her up Hokuto bites her leg in desperation, right in the scar at that and is able to get her down for the scorpion. Bull gets the ropes so Hokuto grabs her kendo stick and starts swinging away trying to do anything she can to stay in the fight. She tries for the NLB but can't holdBull up for it, Bull again hits another dive as they go back outside. Mima & Mita proving to be good little lackeys start attacking Bull at this point and it turns into a briefe gang fight with Kyoko & Wat. Hokuto digs deep and goes for one last ditch effort, she hits the NLB succesfully this time but only gets 2, a high angle pedigree again gets 2. After nursing highly injured ribs the entire match Hokuto has the bright idea to try a superfly splash from the top and she eats knee on the way down spelling the end of of her. Powerbomb & leg drop from Bull get 2 so at this point Bull says screw it and decideds to go straight to her ultra super you ain't getting up from this shit bitch move, the moonsault which causes Mima & Mita to panic. Mima attacks Bull to stop her while Mita thors her body over Hokuto to protect her as Akira is just lying in a heap and not moving having used up the last of her energy. The ring Dr. rushes in to check on her and he calls for a stopage. A few mins later when Hokuto finally comes to, she gets on the mic and is legit in tears. Bull doesn't want to hear it though and is like "fuck is this shit, there's no crying in wrestling you weakling" then she throws down her belt and just storms off in disgust. Great match, their 2nd best after the 3WA title one from 91. Only went 12 mins but unlike their last one which went 15 didn't feel rushed or anything.

- (3WA Tag Titles - 2 out of 3 Falls) Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada (c) vs Aja Kong & Kyoko Inoue

Since she took out her own, Aja goes into this match with no anounced partner so she's allowed to pick anyone she wants to as a replacement. She comes to the ring and is like "hey, Kyoko, get your crazy ass out here girl". Kyoko not really exspecting it is all shocked but in a happy way like "title match? hell yeah". Thus the Super Maniacs are born though it'd be a while yet before they went by that name. Aja & Kyoko dominate the 1st fall of this, in an awesome moment we even get some CLUBBERIN

Aja follows that up with a million palm strikes E-honda style and I so wish I knew how to make animated gifs. Toyota breaks up the pin by just shrieking at the top of her lungs at Aja in a weird moment. Aja looks at her like "girl, no, stop" After whopin up on Yamada for a while she finally hot tags in Toyota who goes all nutty as she's want to do. They isolate Kyoko and slow things down again until Aja's able to come back in and start smashing things up. Toyota & Her flash back to their previous match when Aja again tries to get her up for the back drop smash and Toyota rolls through but this time Aja holds on to the ropes and just drops down on her chest Yokozuna style. Few mins later it's all over after Kyoko gets rid of Yamada, she hits Toyota with her diving back elbow and then Aja follows it up with a hurty looking Macho Man style flying elbow drop of her own to win the 1st fall.

They give Toyota an extra long rest period between falls to recover from that, a good 2-3 mins. When things finally re-start they don't even make her continue the fall so we get Aja & Yamada going at it to kick things off. They stiff the heck out of each other for a min or 2, a battle which sees Aja win. Yamada tries to get Toyota to double team her but she's still hurting and goes down after one attempted move leaving Yamada alone again. They bust out the infamous AJW BIG BROWN BACK BRACE for her at this point which allows her to recover enough to start kickin butt when she's taged back in. She starts flying all over with her usual array of moonsaults & stuff and when Aja accidently takes out her own partner it allows the champs to double team Kyoko and then Toyota finishes her with the JOCS to even things up. 3rd fall Toyota continues the attack trying to finish quick but Aja's not having any of that so she just runs in and chaos erupts. Things turn into a crazy brawl that leads to Aja fighting with Yamada deep into the crowd with entire sections of chairs getting demolished and fans runnint every whear. Aja continues the beating on Toyota once things settle down back in the ring, ripping off her brace. For the finish we get the usual assortment of hot near falls, some of the highlights being a Niagra driver on Toyota for 2, brutal uraken on Yamada and an attempted double Oaklahoma stampede from Aja on the champs. End comes when she goes for the corner splash on both but they catch her and lift her up top for their double back flip move. Toyota get's knocked off but Yamada remains and is able to hit a back suplex to win. Loved this match, just great stuff from bell to bell for the entire 33 mins it lasted, easy top 5 or so match of the year so far.

BUT WAIT - There's more.
In a true holy shit moment, as Toyota & Yamada are celebrating Shark Tsuchiya & Crusher Meademori from FMW run through the crowd with a letter issuing a challenge to AJW.

Out of nowhear Bull runs up and gets in their faces and crazyness follows. Shark & Crusher get draged away by the AJW young girls as a near riot breaks out and Yamada tells them to kiss her rump

The FMW girls are able to make their way back to ringside one more time and they deliver their letter to the AJW commishioner. The interpromotional era has officially begun.

My new pick for best AJW show ever up to this point. 6/21 had slightly better wrestling but in hindsight this is one of the most historicly significant shows in company history as the entire Joshi world would literally never be the same after this event.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AJW 7/5/1992

- Tomoko Watanabe & Akemi Torisu vs Saemi Numata & Chikako Hasegawa
Happily clipped, 5 mins shown of a 10 min match that felt like 20. Rookie style at it's most basic & boringness. I never want to see another hair mare again. Watanabe mercy kills this off with a judo throw on Numatchi to win. Get well soon Bat.
- Mima Shimoda & Cinthia Moreno vs Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito
Another clipped match w around 5 mins airing. Typical low level joshi match, fun while it last but nothing you'll remember the next day. Ito gets a pretty big win for her pinning Moreno after a senton, footstomp combo from her & Kamiya.

- Terri Power & Debbie Malenko vs Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta
Odd match. First 5 mins is Hotta & Suzuka working over Debbie until Suzuka gets bored of it and tosses her over to the corner to tag out. Terri comes in and it leads to disaster the highlight being her taking a horrible bump off one of Hotta's kicks that missed by a mile. She eats a few Hotta punches for her trouble then sorta hot tags Debbie who comes in, hits a few moves and pins Hotta out of nowhear with a leg roll clutch. Let's just move on

We then get a really odd special segment with the AJW roster talking about their "ring shoes" and uhhhh....let's keep moving here

- (JGP 92) Kyoko Inoue vs Mariko Yoshida
Ok this is more like it. Starts off with a mix of comedy spots which you didn't see that much of in AJW during this time frame and fast high spot action. A lot of anything you can do, I can do better mirror spots. Lots of arm dragery and monkey flipocity going down. Things settle down a little with Kyoko taking over and going into her bag of surfboardy stretch holds which she works for a while trying to take out Yoshida's back. It works for a while but then they bust out another comedy spot with the ref somehow accidently getting monkey flipped by Yoshida and Kyoko counting the pin on him. Does lead to a big ref chant from the crowd. A few moments later the match breaks out into a chase sceen with Yoshida trying to catch Kyoko as they run all over k-hall, ends badly though as Yoshida wipes out trying to hop the guard rail. Back in the ring they switch to super serious mode and the match turns into another game of top this, only this time with a lot bigger moves. Lots of dives, top rope ddts, suplexes, etc... 15 mins in and it looks like the finish is coming but they keep kicking out. The match settles down again as they go back to working a longish mat work section that again sees Kyoko come out the dominant one. Yoshida tries to catch her with a german but her bad shoulder goes out and Kyoko pounces on that though it doesn't end up leading anywhear. Time starts to run out so they both start going for lots of cradles and roll ups and any other desperation move they can think of to get the win. Some bigger stuff too, a few more dives and power bomb exchanges. Kyoko  gets the upper hand in the final minute hitting her giant swing, power bomb combo but time runs out just as the ref was about to count 3. Really interesting to see them do a completely unique take on the time limit draw formula as they switched a lot of things up here. Instead of doing time killing mat work to start they were like naw, we got 30 mins and we've been dying to try out these lucha spots & comedy shit we learned in Mexico. And instead of saving their biggest shit for late in the match they used it in the middle. Could have been better but overall a good match.

- (Handicap Match) Bull Nakano & Etsuko Mita vs Toshiyo Yamada & Takako Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa
I think Hokuto was supposed to be in this match as well but she had to pull out. Don't think it was due to injury but with her you never know. She does appear w Bull & Mita during the pre match promo, rocking a swank LA Lakers Jacket because...why not and she's working ringside for this as well. Honestly, even with just Bull & Mita this is probably still a fair fight. Bull alone could take out any 2 from this team on her own no sweat as Yamada is the only one who can stand up to her. With Mita along who's in extra pissed off mood herself they dominate things in this match for the early going, kicking ass all over the place. Takako is finally able to get a little in on Mita, trying to take her down with mat work but that doesn't last long. Mita slaps the shit out of her and the beatings will continue until moral improves. They try and run at Bull which proves to be a bad idea as she sends bodies flying everywhear but they finally triple team her to gain the short advantage. Mita takes out Yamada though which allows Bull to crush Takako & Sakie and hit the leg drop on both at the same time. Almost got them the double pin win but Yamada saves. Smartly her team finally figures out it would be a better idea to continually focus on Mita so they triple team her instead. They send Bull out into the crowd to keep her attention leaving just Yamada & Mita and just when it looks like Yamada was going to win after the diving enzu Hokuto runs in to break things up. Too little too late though, Mita eats a dragon suplex after the ref tosses Hokuto and it's all over. Fun stuff.

- (JGP 92) Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong
Toyota attacks early but it only servs to angry up Aja's blood. Aja tosses her outside and uses her head for target practice with a few chairs and other assorted weapons. Aja then starts slowly pounding away on Toyota for a while with lots of power stuff. Toyota makes a small come back hitting a bunch of drop kicks but it's short lived and Aja continues her game of torture. They go out into the stands again and this time Aja just drags her all over like a dog on a leash. Aja tosses her off the stage, hurls more chairs at her, drags her to the concession stand, rams her into doors then takes her up to the top floor and tries to toss her off the balcony before Yamada is all like fuck that and jumps in to save her buddy. Yamada carries Toyota back to the ring whear she gets smashed with a bunch of Aja's trash cans. Aja having dominated so much gets a little too cocky though and this time Toyota makes a slightly bigger come back. Aja catches her and counters a lot of what she tries but Toyota still gets in some good shots. Crowd really getting into it now with a big chant for Toyota. Aja looks to finish things with her back drop smash off the top but Toyota rolls through and turns it into a powerbomb to pull out the victory. Certainly not their best encounter, a little plodding when Aja was in controll during the non brawling parts but still enough positive in this that i'd def still call it a good match.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

AJW TV 6/5/1992

- Toshiyo Yamada Takako Inoue & Mariko Yoshida vs Suzuka Minami Debbie Malenko & Yumiko Hotta
Little less then half shown of an 18 min match, what aired looked pretty darn good. Non stop action match with everyone hitting a million moves and bouncing all over the place. No major highlights that stand out but Yoshida continues her streak of being the the most awesome wrestler in the world here as she looked the best in this and gets the big win over Suzuka with her step up plancha attack.

- Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita vs Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda
Mita & her new Boss taking on her old 62's Fighters stablemates the Tokyo Sweathearts. Mima & Mita start with a little bit of wrestling but then LCO says fuck that and go all dirty bitch heel. Thumbs are stuck in eyes, heads are bitten, throats are choked, hair is pulled, Mima gets stomped. Hot tag Toyota and she cleans house, cool stereo dives from her & Shimoda but LCO regain controll back inside. Both Shimoda & Toyota get their asses kicked this time as LCO ups the violence and outsmarts the Sweathearts at every turn for a while. Toyota finally makes another come back and we get a little bit of back and forth but Hokuto is in extra pissed off wrecking ball mode tonight so she won't be denied and really, there's few things more fun in this world then pissed off Dangerous Queen. Comes down to her & Shimoda and she gets killed with a german suplex & NLB to end things. Toyota & Shimoda put up more of a fight in this then it may come across from reading this but still, this was a match totally designed to put over LCO as evil bad asses not to be fucked with. A month or 2 later Shimoda would join the darkside herself and finally join them but tonight, she just gets carried out after getting destroyed. Super fun match, little over half aired, def worth taking a look at.

- (All Pacific Title) Bison Kimura © vs Kyoko Inoue
About 10 mins shown of a 23 min match. What airs they tell a simple power vs technique story. Kyoko does a lot of fancy stuff, flying around and trying to catch Bison off guard with diffrent holds and roll ups but Bison is too tough. Kyoko's held her own in a lot of JJ vs Goku brawls but Bison ends up dominating the majority of the time here. Bison stomps her head in, hits a ton of brutal chops, kills her with chair shots out in the stands, etc.. Every time Kyoko makes a little come back Bison shuts her down until the very end when Kyoko's strategy finally pays off, she hits a missile drop kick out of no whear, a giant swing and then quick power bomb to put Bison away and win the title. Really great from what was shown.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

AJW TV 3/15/1992

1st up we get earlier concert footage of Jungle Jack breaking it down

- Bull Nakano vs Akira Hokuto
Hokuto tries to sneak attack early but Bull's not having any of that. Bull takes her down and starts rubbing her face in the mat for a while but things go bad after she lets her back up. Bull goes up top but Hokuto recovers and knocks her outside leading to her picking up the pace, hitting a big series of dives and dropkicks. Bull catches her with a big backdrop suplex and then the match turns into a battle of who can drop who with the deadliest suplex, a battle Bull eventually wins. Bull goes for the leg drop but misses, Hokuto hits a german but can't hold her so she follows up with the NLB but Bull powers out at 2. Bull catches her again bouncing off the ropes a few moments later and it's all over after she drops Hokuto on her noggin with a high angle reverse DDT. Match only went 14 mins, about 10 aired so kind of a cliff notes, rushed version of their usual big match formula. Not a highly memorable match or anything but still good stuff as always with them.

More concert footage, this time of Bull & The Gang doing the violence boogie

- (UWA Tag Title) Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota (c) vs Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta
Toyota & Yamada defending their newly won UWA tag belts which were just created in Jan of that year seemingly for the express purpose of letting them do the double champion gimmick when they won the 3WA belts on the 20th. Really cool story to this one that I thought did a great job of making the most out of everyone's strengths, working a little more slowed down, classic style then an all out non stop sprint. Almost no back and forth early on, the first 3/4ths or so of this consisted pretty much of 4 long beat down segments with each person involved taking a turn playing FIP. Suzuka when she got hot taged in looked awesome here, maybe the best one in the match dominating with her power style. The other highlight was Yamada who did some really good stuff with both but especially early on working over Hotta. The last 6-7 mins they finally kick things up and it turns into the Toyota show. She spazes out as usual, hitting like a million crazy moonsaults from all over and her & Yamada get to bust out all their cool double teams like the flip over backdrop from the top which they kill Suzuka with. Hotta & her can hold their own at this type of style as well though so they don't go down easily and put up a good fight with things being even up until the very end. Finally comes down to Toyota hitting one more moonsault out of nowhear on Hotta then Yamada droping her with the diving enzu for the win. Really great match, the kind that maybe doesn't start out that way but slowly builds and builds until by the end you're jumping up & down at how awesome it's gotten.