Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AJW 7/5/1992

- Tomoko Watanabe & Akemi Torisu vs Saemi Numata & Chikako Hasegawa
Happily clipped, 5 mins shown of a 10 min match that felt like 20. Rookie style at it's most basic & boringness. I never want to see another hair mare again. Watanabe mercy kills this off with a judo throw on Numatchi to win. Get well soon Bat.
- Mima Shimoda & Cinthia Moreno vs Miori Kamiya & Kaoru Ito
Another clipped match w around 5 mins airing. Typical low level joshi match, fun while it last but nothing you'll remember the next day. Ito gets a pretty big win for her pinning Moreno after a senton, footstomp combo from her & Kamiya.

- Terri Power & Debbie Malenko vs Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta
Odd match. First 5 mins is Hotta & Suzuka working over Debbie until Suzuka gets bored of it and tosses her over to the corner to tag out. Terri comes in and it leads to disaster the highlight being her taking a horrible bump off one of Hotta's kicks that missed by a mile. She eats a few Hotta punches for her trouble then sorta hot tags Debbie who comes in, hits a few moves and pins Hotta out of nowhear with a leg roll clutch. Let's just move on

We then get a really odd special segment with the AJW roster talking about their "ring shoes" and uhhhh....let's keep moving here

- (JGP 92) Kyoko Inoue vs Mariko Yoshida
Ok this is more like it. Starts off with a mix of comedy spots which you didn't see that much of in AJW during this time frame and fast high spot action. A lot of anything you can do, I can do better mirror spots. Lots of arm dragery and monkey flipocity going down. Things settle down a little with Kyoko taking over and going into her bag of surfboardy stretch holds which she works for a while trying to take out Yoshida's back. It works for a while but then they bust out another comedy spot with the ref somehow accidently getting monkey flipped by Yoshida and Kyoko counting the pin on him. Does lead to a big ref chant from the crowd. A few moments later the match breaks out into a chase sceen with Yoshida trying to catch Kyoko as they run all over k-hall, ends badly though as Yoshida wipes out trying to hop the guard rail. Back in the ring they switch to super serious mode and the match turns into another game of top this, only this time with a lot bigger moves. Lots of dives, top rope ddts, suplexes, etc... 15 mins in and it looks like the finish is coming but they keep kicking out. The match settles down again as they go back to working a longish mat work section that again sees Kyoko come out the dominant one. Yoshida tries to catch her with a german but her bad shoulder goes out and Kyoko pounces on that though it doesn't end up leading anywhear. Time starts to run out so they both start going for lots of cradles and roll ups and any other desperation move they can think of to get the win. Some bigger stuff too, a few more dives and power bomb exchanges. Kyoko  gets the upper hand in the final minute hitting her giant swing, power bomb combo but time runs out just as the ref was about to count 3. Really interesting to see them do a completely unique take on the time limit draw formula as they switched a lot of things up here. Instead of doing time killing mat work to start they were like naw, we got 30 mins and we've been dying to try out these lucha spots & comedy shit we learned in Mexico. And instead of saving their biggest shit for late in the match they used it in the middle. Could have been better but overall a good match.

- (Handicap Match) Bull Nakano & Etsuko Mita vs Toshiyo Yamada & Takako Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa
I think Hokuto was supposed to be in this match as well but she had to pull out. Don't think it was due to injury but with her you never know. She does appear w Bull & Mita during the pre match promo, rocking a swank LA Lakers Jacket because...why not and she's working ringside for this as well. Honestly, even with just Bull & Mita this is probably still a fair fight. Bull alone could take out any 2 from this team on her own no sweat as Yamada is the only one who can stand up to her. With Mita along who's in extra pissed off mood herself they dominate things in this match for the early going, kicking ass all over the place. Takako is finally able to get a little in on Mita, trying to take her down with mat work but that doesn't last long. Mita slaps the shit out of her and the beatings will continue until moral improves. They try and run at Bull which proves to be a bad idea as she sends bodies flying everywhear but they finally triple team her to gain the short advantage. Mita takes out Yamada though which allows Bull to crush Takako & Sakie and hit the leg drop on both at the same time. Almost got them the double pin win but Yamada saves. Smartly her team finally figures out it would be a better idea to continually focus on Mita so they triple team her instead. They send Bull out into the crowd to keep her attention leaving just Yamada & Mita and just when it looks like Yamada was going to win after the diving enzu Hokuto runs in to break things up. Too little too late though, Mita eats a dragon suplex after the ref tosses Hokuto and it's all over. Fun stuff.

- (JGP 92) Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong
Toyota attacks early but it only servs to angry up Aja's blood. Aja tosses her outside and uses her head for target practice with a few chairs and other assorted weapons. Aja then starts slowly pounding away on Toyota for a while with lots of power stuff. Toyota makes a small come back hitting a bunch of drop kicks but it's short lived and Aja continues her game of torture. They go out into the stands again and this time Aja just drags her all over like a dog on a leash. Aja tosses her off the stage, hurls more chairs at her, drags her to the concession stand, rams her into doors then takes her up to the top floor and tries to toss her off the balcony before Yamada is all like fuck that and jumps in to save her buddy. Yamada carries Toyota back to the ring whear she gets smashed with a bunch of Aja's trash cans. Aja having dominated so much gets a little too cocky though and this time Toyota makes a slightly bigger come back. Aja catches her and counters a lot of what she tries but Toyota still gets in some good shots. Crowd really getting into it now with a big chant for Toyota. Aja looks to finish things with her back drop smash off the top but Toyota rolls through and turns it into a powerbomb to pull out the victory. Certainly not their best encounter, a little plodding when Aja was in controll during the non brawling parts but still enough positive in this that i'd def still call it a good match.

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