- (AJW Title) Sakia Hasegawa (c) vs Kaoru Ito
Early portion sees Sakie go after Ito's arm as she is yet another member of the roster thats nursing an injury and has one or more body parts taped up. Sakie herself has both knees wraped and her back. Anyways, this part doesn't really go anywhere of interest. Things pick up after Ito goes on offense and starts wearing down Hasegawa. Sakie puts over the sleeper like a champ, selling the fatigue. Leads into Ito going on a foot stomp spree, hitting a billion in a row including off the apron to the floor. Sakie kicks out after Ito finally goes for the pin and after Ito misses a dive it's Sakie's turn to go all nutty. Sakie proves spin kick > foot stomp and after hitting a bunch of her own gains the win. Pretty decent match, nice to see Ito moving up the ranks as she's now firmly out of young girl mode and can be considered a solid mid carder at this stage. Helped that this is a 90 min broadcast instead of 60 so they got a little extra tv time though this was still edited down a bit.
- Akira Hokuto & Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda vs Cynthia Moreno & Saemi Numata & Tomoko Watanabe
1st time getting to see LCO as a trio in action, apparently they've not yet had time to stop by the grapple-gear emporium and pick up Mima some new ruda attire as she kinda sticks out now still rocking her same old stuff. Your opposing team sullenly walks to the ring with a look that tells you they know full well they're heading to the execution chamber. LCO from the go beat the heck out of everyone in their path, dominating the whole way through. Watanabe is the only one who remotely gets any offense in as she has a short little run of stuff against Mima including a really nice judo throw into a pin combination. Doesn't last long though as Hokuto looks at that shit and is like no, i'm not having any of this so she tags in, hits a missile dropkick on Watanabe & Numatchi, smacks Cynthia upside the head to take her out and drops Watanabe with the NLB and pins her with 1 knee to put an end to the slaughter about 5 mins in. Fun little trip through squash city.
Insane Japanese Commercial Report
- Add for the Japanese version of Juice starring 2-Pac
- Add for what appears to be a bi-sexual romance soap opera
- Dancing Sumo of JOY
Tv station certainly covering all bases here ;-)
- Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue vs Aja Kong & Terri Power
See, I told you Takako lived to fight another day. Unfortunatly for her she has to fight Aja yet again, sporting a large bandage on the back of her skull from the previous nights butt kickin. W-Inoue try their luck at taking down Terri instead but nothing much comes of it. Aja tags in and apparently didn't have enough fun yesterday so she goes right back to torturing Takako, ripping off her bandage and trying to re-open the wound. They switch off to their respective parters after a while which leads to a weird moment as Kyoko shoots her into the ropes and bends down like she's going to give her a back body drop only she's facing the wrong way so Terri just sorta ends up falling over her back as she comes in. They tried to turn it into an arm drag but yeah, it was ugly. Few moments later Terri redeems herself by actually pulling off a nice looking slingshot pescado as the match spills outside. Aja again drags Takako all over the arena, this time hurling whatever random opjects she can find at her, chairs, purses, drinks. In the true highlight of this match Aja snatches someone's shoe and smacks the hell out of Inoue with it. So wrong. Back inside and Kyoko gets worked over for a while as the momentum kind of dies here. Aja gets bored and starts whacking people with her can randomly which is always fun but then they do a bunch more meandering shit as you realise this match so did not need to go 17 mins long. They pull it together for the ending stretch though as Aja goes nuts splashing folks and hitting some damn stiff urakens upside Kyoko's head, it's all over though after she accidently hits Terri a few times. Kyoko takes advantage and puts her Wonder Powers partner away with the Niagra driver which she had to dead lift her ass to acomplish as Terri doesn't go up easy at all for it. Certainly some good moments in this but overall just an OK match. Aja wasn't in the mood to work for 2 so this didn't turn out as well as the Terri Power tag the night before did.
- Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota vs Bull Nakano & Bat Yoshinaga
Nice thing about AJW booking at the time was that in tags they didn't always have the most obvious choice eat the loss but for this one, yeah, there's 100% no doubt about who's jobbing at the end :) Toyota & Yamada start fast and get an early advantage, lots of quick high spots and stuff. Bull eventually comes in and kills Yamada though which leads to a long beat down section on her. Fun moment as Bat gets in and goes all Kung Fu on her ass with nutty kick & punch combos. After Toyota breaks up a pin attempt Bull gets cocky and just tosses Yamada in her corner and tells Toyota to bring it which she does not. Toyota gets her butt kicked too and busted open hardway once Bull bust out the nun-chucks on her. Team Goku works over the cut for a bit and in a big highlight of the match Bull take her head off with a lariat that flips her completely upside down which is always a cool spot to see in wrestling. Yamada finally gets in and gets revenge on Bat with a bunch of kick flurries of her own and some attacks over her arm. Rest of the match is made up of a long stretch of back & forth stuff whear no team can gain the advantage for more then a few mins. Similar to a lot of Toyota/Yamada workrate tags though a little slowed down to work more to their opponents strengths. Good action all around though as everyone is bringing their A game here. Toyota wipes out Bull & 2 or 3 other people with a moonsault which leaves Bat alone to take the beating. Tag champs can't put her away though which gives a pissed off Bull enough time to recover, she calls for her nun chucks but somehow Toyota gets a hold of them and pays back Ms Nakano for earlier with some wild shots to the back. Once again they get Bat alone and after a back drop suplex off the top from Yamada, Toyota gets the pin with another moonsault. It's funny, one never really thinks of Bat Yoshinaga as a really good wrestler but on the rare ocasions whear she gets to mix it up with the uppercard talent in a high profile match she almsot always steps it up and becomes a highlight of the action. Her & Toyota always have weirdly awesome chemistry together. This is the 4th tag i've seen with them with 4 diffrent partners and they've all been really good with this being no exception and by far the best tag they've been involved in together.
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