Sunday, April 3, 2011

AJW TV 3/15/1992

1st up we get earlier concert footage of Jungle Jack breaking it down

- Bull Nakano vs Akira Hokuto
Hokuto tries to sneak attack early but Bull's not having any of that. Bull takes her down and starts rubbing her face in the mat for a while but things go bad after she lets her back up. Bull goes up top but Hokuto recovers and knocks her outside leading to her picking up the pace, hitting a big series of dives and dropkicks. Bull catches her with a big backdrop suplex and then the match turns into a battle of who can drop who with the deadliest suplex, a battle Bull eventually wins. Bull goes for the leg drop but misses, Hokuto hits a german but can't hold her so she follows up with the NLB but Bull powers out at 2. Bull catches her again bouncing off the ropes a few moments later and it's all over after she drops Hokuto on her noggin with a high angle reverse DDT. Match only went 14 mins, about 10 aired so kind of a cliff notes, rushed version of their usual big match formula. Not a highly memorable match or anything but still good stuff as always with them.

More concert footage, this time of Bull & The Gang doing the violence boogie

- (UWA Tag Title) Toshiyo Yamada & Manami Toyota (c) vs Suzuka Minami & Yumiko Hotta
Toyota & Yamada defending their newly won UWA tag belts which were just created in Jan of that year seemingly for the express purpose of letting them do the double champion gimmick when they won the 3WA belts on the 20th. Really cool story to this one that I thought did a great job of making the most out of everyone's strengths, working a little more slowed down, classic style then an all out non stop sprint. Almost no back and forth early on, the first 3/4ths or so of this consisted pretty much of 4 long beat down segments with each person involved taking a turn playing FIP. Suzuka when she got hot taged in looked awesome here, maybe the best one in the match dominating with her power style. The other highlight was Yamada who did some really good stuff with both but especially early on working over Hotta. The last 6-7 mins they finally kick things up and it turns into the Toyota show. She spazes out as usual, hitting like a million crazy moonsaults from all over and her & Yamada get to bust out all their cool double teams like the flip over backdrop from the top which they kill Suzuka with. Hotta & her can hold their own at this type of style as well though so they don't go down easily and put up a good fight with things being even up until the very end. Finally comes down to Toyota hitting one more moonsault out of nowhear on Hotta then Yamada droping her with the diving enzu for the win. Really great match, the kind that maybe doesn't start out that way but slowly builds and builds until by the end you're jumping up & down at how awesome it's gotten.

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